Tuesday, 10 January 2012

"We Don't Have Any Rights In This Country": The Plight Of Palestinians Under Apartheid (video)

Here's a taste of the discrimination that Palestinians face every day...

That's right.  Discrimination by their fellow-Arabs.  All praise to StandWithUs for peeling back the layers of anti-Israel propaganda.


  1. I give it four stars.

  2. As in a four-star general, I hope!

  3. Yes, and I imagine the BDSers will flock to it, only to be disappointed!

  4. But, unfortunately, with the breathtaking bad faith who promotes the prevailing narrative of lies and defamation, they will use even this video saying something like: "there would be no Palesteeeeeeenian refugeeeees if it was not for Israel and the Jews!" :(

    Am I too cynical?

  5. It's quite amazing how, in the perception of much of the world, reality simply inverts when it comes to the Middle East conflict. Israel is accused of 'apartheid'; yet it is the Arabs who practise it. Israel is accused of rejecting the two-state solution; and yet it is the Palestinians who reject it. Israel is accused of targeting civilians; yet it is the Palestinian terrorists who do that.

    Etc., etc., etc.

    The world truly has turned upside down.

  6. There are Arabs or Muslims in the IDF? That is amazing!...

  7. Yes; there are a few videos about it, such as this one


  8. Here's an excellent article on the same subject, Daphne, if you've not seen it yet.



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