Sunday, 15 January 2012

An Egyptian Cleric On Europe's Demographic Doom (video)

Those who followed the 1970s mantra "Zero Population Growth" (see cover at left, dating to 1970) in order to save the planet from environmental disaster, and feminists who decided not to have children at all (frequently expressing contempt and/or pity for those women who did), have unwittingly cost Europe dear, if Muammar Gaddafi (see my post here) and the Egyptian cleric in this video are proved correct.

Not that it does to air anxieties about the Islamic demographic weapon (or even to base opposition to mass immigration into small already overcrowded countries like Britain and Holland on ecological grounds) in front of the kind of 1960s/70s radicals who spawned the "Zero Population Growth" mantra and child-free radical feminism.

Greyer, wrinklier, but certainly not invariably wiser, all too many are likely to have swapped their tie-dyed hippie T-shirts for keffiyehs and to be marching with the "We Are All Hezbollah/Hamas" brigade these days, and to call those who dare to question the colonisation of Europe by persons  (including practising polygamists taking advantage of state benefits) whose agenda is very different from a liberal-progressive and feminist one by the intimidating terms "Islamophobes" and "fascists".

1 comment:

  1. You trust this Egyptian cleric? You want your readers trust this Egyptian cleric?


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