Sunday, 29 January 2012

Barghouti Demonising Israel In California & Seattle (video)

Here's Omar Barghouti, who's been in California too, pimping BDS in a long address before a congregation of useful idiots in Seattle Cathedral recently, introduced by a bishop quoting Tutu.

I wouldn't be surprised if the ignorance displayed, in cut-glass British tones, by this BDSer in Sacramento, California, is typical of the infantry of the BDS movement as a whole.  The Palestinians have been there "for hundreds if not thousands of years" she explains to an unseen male interviewer, who replies "That is true.  They are the indigenous people ..."  Such preposterous twaddle! Perhaps that's why the video's been uploaded by "thequeernews"...

And here is an unheavenly choir which performed in Oakland, California, when Barghouti addressed Christian lefties there under the auspices of the so-called Middle East Children's Alliance and those whacky dames from CodePink:


  1. Suicidal self hating marching morons...

  2. I thought the bit where they giggle merrily as he disses the American "empire" indicative of their myopic stupidity.

  3. The Horst Wessel Choir. Awesome.

  4. "Christian lefties"

    It's a bit of an oxymoron don't you think Daphne?

  5. Well, there certainly are lefties who are Christians - but some of these might well be more accurately described as "lefties occupying pews" ...

  6. I watched the whole video and all I can say is: Lies more lies and Photoshop.

    Naturally it is not practical to address each and every subject Barghouti raised so I limit myself to only a few.

    Firstly the man himself; born in Qatar, grew up in Egypt and finished his (?Master) degree in…. Tel-Aviv University – some Palestinian! Some Apartheid!

    Occupation, occupation, occupation, he must mentioned the word at least 50 times (I did not actually count); but from WHOME Israel occupied the West Bank? As we all know, from JORDAN and as a result of Jordan joining in War with Egypt and Syria with a declared aim of wiping Israel from the map once and for all.

    As a matter of fact Jordan had annexed the West bank which means not only that the “occupation” was legal under International Law but it ceased to be “occupation”, if it ever was, when Jordan relinquished all territorial claim to the West Bank in the peace treaty with Israel.

    Strangely enough, neither the West Bank, not the Gaza Strip were “occupied territories” and “apartheid” when they were part of Jordan and Egypt (respectively).

    When we talk about apartheid we don’t have to go back in history; How many Palestinians sit on the bench as judges in any Arab country today? The same for members of parliaments, the answer is ZERO! The Law in Jordan and Lebanon, that I know of, specifically exclude it, yet the finger is pointed at Israel who has no such laws.

    No Palestinian propaganda is complete without the set of the four maps showing the League Of Nation’s designated Jewish Palestine as belonging to the Palestinians (1947 map) – If anyone was out done by the Partition Plan of Palestine, it was the Jews who nevertheless accepted a lesser area (as the second 1948 map shows), not the Arab of Palestine.

    I cannot resist commenting on his claim that the Palestinian “ethnic cleansing” occurred “even before any Arab army invaded Israel” (in 1948), huh???? Five Arabs armies invaded Israel THE SAME DAY Israel declared independence! When this alleged “ethnic cleansing” supposed to have taken place?

    Well, I guess that the Israelis are so quick, they can even lock a drawer with a key and leaving the key inside :-)

  7. Great points, Jacob. Thanks!


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