Wednesday, 28 December 2011

"I Became A Free Man In Israel": Muslim Convert To Christianity (video)

Here's a video that was uploaded to YouTube in October, but has not had as many hits as it deserves.  It features an Arab Christian human rights activist, Majed El Shafie,  now resident in Canada, who converted from Islam in his teens.  In the course of a discussion about the hardship facing Christians in Gaza and the West Bank (particularly in the former, owing to fierce persection by Hamas of that minority of about 3,500 people there) Mr El Shafie notes that as soon as he fled from his native Egypt into Israel he "became a free man".

And here is a report, dating to 2007, regarding the seemingly inexorable dwindling of the Christian population on the West Bank.  The video has a fleeting glimpse of a shepherd, so I recommend it particularly to the BBC's Jon Donnison and Yolande Knell, both of whom proved so fascinated by Palestinian shepherds this Christmas.

Of course, now that the Jewish Jesus is being so conveniently recast as a Palestinian by elements within the PA and their allies, and now that the presence of Palestinian Christians is proving an invaluable propaganda tool to the PA, their situation may have improved since the latter video was made.  But, to quote from the original uploader's preface on YouTube to the first video (read it all!), citing Mr El Shafie:
'Bethlehem has become a "tourist zone" for the PA, he said. "Basically they don't want the Christians there but they want the Christian tourists to come and to take their money."'

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