Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Greens In NSW Take BDS Off Their Printed Menu, But Keep The Dish On Offer

It seems (Hat tip: reader Shirlee, who sent me this link) that, officially, the Greens in New South Wales have abandoned their commitment to the BDS campaign against Israel that cost Marrickville Mayor Fiona Byrne her seat in the state election earlier this year. In May a working group was set up by the party to review the policy, and yesterday's vote on the issue,  at a State Council meeting closed to the media, saw the party decide on its recommendations.

At the meeting every Greens group in the state apparently voted to abandon BDS as an official plank in their policy.  But, like the fanatical Israel-bashers that so many of them unfortunately are (the honourable exceptions include Greens MLC Jeremy Buckingham, who is on record as deploring the frequent pickerting of Jewish-owned Max Brenner), they voted to recognise support for BDS as a legitimate stance, and denied that it is antisemitic.

The ratbag leftwing party also reportedly reiterqted that the Australian government should cease military links with Israel.

Senator Lee Rhiannon, the legislator with a far-left pedigree who has been a driving force behind the Greens' odious BDS campaign, has been reported as saying after yesterday's vote:
"The resolution recognises the legitimacy of the BDS as a political tactic and also recognises that there is a diversity of views in the community and the Greens.  While there have been a variety of views among Greens members on BDS there was strong and united commitment to continue our work for Palestinian human rights.  The review rejected and condemned false accusations of anti-Semitism."
The party's demonisation of Israel (even to blaming Israel for the plight of the "refugees) and adoption of BDS can be clearly seen in this pep talk to the faithful in May by former state legislator and flotilla/flytilla alumna Sylvia Hale, who like the rest of the Greens seems wilfully blind to Israel's admirable record on environmental matters, as well as, so far as I can judge, contrastingly silent regarding most of the genuine atrocities occurring elsewhere in the world (including heinous encroachments on the rights of women):


  1. ..it’s now “a BDS to have, when you're not having a BDS.”
    The Greens may not "officially" support the BDS but they still do in principle. This is the exact same thing as they did at Marrickville. They rescinded the Motion, though it is still there in principle.

    It's not the Greens causing the BDS problems. In Sydney and Melbourne it's the Socialist Alternative with Patrick Langosch & Australian Students for Palestine. Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth, it's Australians for Palestine

  2. Thanks for clarifying that, Shirlee.

  3. The first link is broken

    My favourite Marrickville BDS story
    Greens’ election claims against doctor dismissed
    In dismissing the charge, Magistrate Margaret Quinn said the offence was low in the criminality stakes and that she had found the Marrickville Council BDS affair, in which the council attempted to adopt BDS as policy, “fairly disgraceful at the time”

    The Greens are really rotten watermelons

  4. Yes, that Quinn quote was excellent!

    The link was working yesterday, fitfully...


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