Friday, 23 December 2011

Festive Propaganda From The PLO (video)

Keep looking until the end, folks. Don't miss the map which betrays their intentions.

Hat tip: Challah


  1. Hi Daphne, I hate those videos, but always click on to see them on U-tube, to give them at least the thumbs down, plus, if really blatantly inciting Judenhass, I "flag" them as "inappropriate", as I did this one.

    The sugar-coated and schmaltzy representation of the so-called "Palestinian" side makes this piece of vulgar crap even more insidious. They sure know how to USE little girls, in more ways than one ! :(

  2. And I suspect that many of the PSC-types who discover Bethlehem at Christmas are not usually of a religious persuasion, Rita.


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