In this spell-binding speech, the well-known Lebanese-born American writer Brigitte Gabriel, addressing a Jewish audience in California some months ago, gives a graphic account of the destruction of her idyllic childhood and her beloved Lebanon by Islamic radicalism, and warmly praises Israel and Israelis - citing the "love and compassion" that she saw there, not only towards her and her mother as Christians, but towards Muslim Palestinians.
She stresses that, in the world today, most Muslims are not radical jihadists. Nevertheless, she cautions, the radical minority comprise perhaps 15 to 25% (some 300 million people). The USA has been infiltrated by Al Quaeda, Islamic Jihad, and (especially) Hamas. Listen as she reels off the names of the cities in which Hamas cells (disguised) operate! She warns of the indoctrination by Saudi Arabian influences of most of the mosques in America. She calls the universities "Occuped Territories" because they are being infiltrated by anti-Israel Saudi-funded centres and professors.
She warns that political correctness and multiculturalism is set to make Americans lose their freedom, and observes that "tolerating intolerance is a crime". And she implores the Muslim majority to speak out loud and clear against the radical minority, for a war for survival is being waged.
Meanwhile, across the Herring Pond, a party called the British Freedom Party has been formed (though don't look for information about it on the BBC). In this interview with the Canadian broadcaster Michael Coren (hat tip: reader Shirlee) its leader, the urbane and (dare I add!) photogenic Paul Weston, describes it as "centre" rather than "rightwing". He observes that the Muslim population of Britain doubles every ten years, warns that given this trend bloc votes might elect Islamists to Westminster, and laments the failure, through fear, of non-radical Muslims to speak out against the radicals.
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