Friday, 16 December 2011

As Winter Hits The Northern Hemisphere, Just the Getaway Spot! (videos)

I was looking at a one of those tourist-tempting travelogues on digital television, and the Maldives, in the Indian Ocean, looked just the place for a getaway.

Indeed, I felt sorry for the Maldive tourist industry, because I recalled that some time ago a western couple's wedding ceremony there was turned into a shambles by pranksters, and what with the bad publicity over that, and a recent fatal shark attack or two, I felt this apparent paradise could do with a boost.

 But then I saw this:

And this:

That from a country where, according to Wikipedia:

'Islam is the official religion ...  Maldives is a 99.41% Muslim country although open practice of all other religions is forbidden and such actions are liable to prosecution. Article 2 of the revised constitution says that the republic "is based on the principles of Islam." Article nine says that "a non-Muslim may not become a citizen"; Article ten says that "no law contrary to any principle of Islam can be applied" Article nineteen states that "citizens are free to participate in or carry out any activity that is not expressly prohibited by sharia or by the law." 
The requirement to adhere to aparticular religion and prohibition of public worship following other religions is contrary to Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to which Maldives has recently become party[and was addressed in Maldives' reservation in adhering to the Covenant claiming that "The application of the principles set out in Article 18 of the Covenant shall be without prejudice to the Constitution of the Republic of the Maldives."
The Maldives ranks high on the list of governments that restrict religious freedom.'
 In other words, an honest-to-goodness Apartheid State!


  1. btw, I'm in transit, so any comments are liable to be delayed (apologies in advance!)

  2. Well, taking my Zionist money is not compulsory. There are sufficient replacement “paradise” Islands I can select as getaways from the Seychelles to Tahiti where I would be welcome, had I go for this type of holiday (I don’t).

    This video clearly demonstrates how anti-Semitism is entrenched in Islam – these people would be hard pressed to point Israel on the map, let alone know anything about it and their hatred to Israel and Jew is sole stemmed from the teaching of the Koran

  3. I was knocked for six when I saw the video!

  4. Bad news for inner city BDS bigots, are they going to boycott their favourite techno toy the iPhone
    Apple to set up Israel development center
    Aharon Aharon will head Apple's first ever development center outside of its California headquarters.


  5. I'll be returning to Oz from GB next year, so will be able to see things firsthand.

    Season's Greetings to you, Nick, and everyone else.


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