Sunday, 6 November 2011

Continuing Canards From The Israel-Demonising Left, and Pat Condell On "Islamised ... Self-righteous Leftwing Bubbleheads"

Beneath a newly-uploaded video of the most recent march (last month) of the Melburnian leftwing rabble who demonise the Jewish State in general and Max Brenner in particular the uploader declares:
"The following is the footage from the latest BDS action in Melbourne, as we marched down the streets of the CBD chanting loudly for Palestinian liberation.
Australia is a very pro-Israel nation, with a strong lobby, a powerful pro-Israel Murdoch press, and an ideological framework installed that defends Israel's right to commit apartheid and terrorism upon the Palestinians without regret. In its history, Australia has been always a leading nation in defending and condoning war crimes committed by its allies, including the United States, Sri Lanka, Britain, etc, and include now Israel to that list. As such, we are facing an uphill battle by organising and participating in these BDS rallies against those businesses that profit from apartheid and terrorism...."
(Will Richard Goldstone's recent demolition of the slander that Israel practises apartheid cut any ice with these people? The Equator belt is likely to freeze over first...)

On Twitter, an "ethical" travel writer, Gail Simmons, whose work appears in the Guardian, made the following ill-informed and obscene tweet, caught by the redoubtable Adam Levick of CiF Watch:
"One of the greatest supporters of Zionism was Hitler himself. Explains lots about the actions of the Zionists!"
 As an indignant Aussie reader of CiF Watch, and of this blog, remarked, in a letter to Al Grauniad:
'Your newspaper has an infamous reputation in the Jewish community worldwide as being amongst the most anti-Israel and even Judeophobic publications in the English speaking world, so I'm not "holding my breath" for you to take my complaint seriously....
However, when your travel writer, Gail Simmons, "tweets" that Hitler was a Zionist; I have to complain. Not only is this a gross inversion of History  (Hitler had plans to invade Palestine and Murder the Jews there with the help of his friend the Mufti of Jerusalem once he was done murdering European Jews), it is about as highly offensive to Jews and Israelis as it gets....
Why is it that Jews are the only ethnic or religious group that can be insulted without consequences by your employees?'
Why indeed.

On the blog "Liberal Conspiracy," Ben White, another darling of the Guardian and author of Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner's Guide, questions Conservative MP Louise Mensch's forthcoming appearance as a guest speaker at a conference organised by the pro-Israel organisation StandWithUs:
'The attendance of a Member of Parliament at such an event is troubling, given StandWithUs’ track record of promoting extreme positions and working with disturbing allies.
The UK chair of StandWithUs disputes the international legal consensus that Settlements in the Occupied West Bank are illegal.
A 2009 investigation into StandWithUs’ donors accused the group of having "a web of funders who support organisations that have been accused of anti-Muslim propaganda and encouraging a militant Israeli and U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East"....
A StandWithUs event of the same name happening in the US this month features Itamar Marcus, an Israeli settler who features in Islamophobic film Obsession.
Here in the UK, StandWithUs is working with religious fundamentalists, sending their national coordinator to speak at a conference promoted by those who believe that God will "curse those who curse Israel"....'
To which the well-known blogger Richard Millett has, among other commenters, made the highly pertinent response:
'This is beyond parody allowing White to smear SWU when White was due to share a platform with Sheikh Raed Salah (until Salah was arrested) who has made derogatory statements about Jews and gays. For example, calling homosexuality "a crime. A great crime. Such phenomena signal the start of the collapse of every society".'
And adds the relevant link
 Love him or loathe him, Pat Condell doesn't mince his words in this video, which should be mandatory viewing for all those western left-liberals who make common cause with Islamofascists in castigating Israel and seeking its demise.

 (Hat tip: Shirl in Oz)

1 comment:

  1. Nearly finished Wafa Sultan's The God Who Hates: islam is identical to all other totalitarian cults, communism, nazism, Pol Pot etc. All totally unproductive but completely murderous and anti-semitic. Bubble head is a compliment where these nazis are concerned!!


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