Friday, 25 November 2011

"Boycott Israeli Goods" Picket In Vancouver (video)

More jackanapes alleging Israeli apartheid.

The principal focus of this group's ire is the Lavan Soap Company, but they don't have a clear pitch because a couple of guys are on hand with an Israeli flag.

Incidentally, despite the obvious cold I'm surprised that one of the anti-Israel demonstrators is wearing  a hat made from fur. I hope the fabric is faux; trapping animals for their pelts is a barbarous business ...


  1. You will have heard about this, Daphne, I guess.

    Pretty much beyond horrible.

  2. They aren't the brightest of people obviously!!!
    .At 0:20 the date on the video is a year from now. 2012

  3. I haven't yet seen that, Rob - thanks; will check it out.
    You're more observant than I am, Shirlee!

  4. You know me Daph !!!

    It jumped out at me literally

    By the way Rob, many people in that group aren't Jewish . I didn't send the link Daphne as you usually pick up on J-Wire yourself.

    Here's the Andrew Bolt take on it.

    Removing Israel in multicultural Victoria

  5. Thanks, Shirlee - been out and haven't had a chance to look yet.


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