Friday 25 November 2011

"Boycott Israeli Goods" Picket In Vancouver (video)

More jackanapes alleging Israeli apartheid.

The principal focus of this group's ire is the Lavan Soap Company, but they don't have a clear pitch because a couple of guys are on hand with an Israeli flag.

Incidentally, despite the obvious cold I'm surprised that one of the anti-Israel demonstrators is wearing  a hat made from fur. I hope the fabric is faux; trapping animals for their pelts is a barbarous business ...


  1. You will have heard about this, Daphne, I guess.

    Pretty much beyond horrible.

  2. They aren't the brightest of people obviously!!!
    .At 0:20 the date on the video is a year from now. 2012

  3. I haven't yet seen that, Rob - thanks; will check it out.
    You're more observant than I am, Shirlee!

  4. You know me Daph !!!

    It jumped out at me literally

    By the way Rob, many people in that group aren't Jewish . I didn't send the link Daphne as you usually pick up on J-Wire yourself.

    Here's the Andrew Bolt take on it.

    Removing Israel in multicultural Victoria

  5. Thanks, Shirlee - been out and haven't had a chance to look yet.


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