Tuesday, 11 October 2011

"Their Disaster Was That They Did Not AnnihilateThe Jewish State ... They Will Never Accept A Jewish State" - Prof. Abe Sion (video)

Here's half-an-hour or so's food for thought from Iraq-born Israeli Professor Abe Sion.  It's well worth a listen, and he makes many memorable points relating to Israel's past, present, and future. He's quite a spell-binding speaker, covers territory that includes the so-called Nakba, Palestinian identity, the current Statehood bid, the long-term attitude of the Israeli Arabs, and those academic colleagues who support a One State Solution. He believes that Israel should engage in far more hasbara than it is doing, citing as proof the woeful image Israel has in the world, thanks to the vigorous PR campaign that the Arabs wage. Since he's addressing an audience and is in effect a "talking head" you don't have to be glued to the screen watching it.

Hat tip: jootube tv, and to democast for posting this to youtube.


  1. Thanks for that. I followed your advice and LISTENED to it rather than sitting in front and watching it. But after a friend to whom I have forwarded it told me: "...He is IMPRESSIVE!!! .…like to watch too as he has great face, very mobile …", I might just "look" at it now. His accusatory finger is pointed in the right directions too!

  2. PS: and he is soooooooo right. Rather than swallowing all those lies and anti-Jewish propaganda, everyone should speak up, loud and often. To say nothing is to say "yes".

    Incidentally, I share my disgust with Professor Abe Sion that this crap could happen in -of all countries - Germany. As a German I had hoped that Anti-semitism is not an "innate" German trait, but hearing such things, and reading Goldhagen's "Hitlers Willing Executioners", I start to despair.

    A young Australian Jewish friend, who moved to Berlin (to the chagrin of his father) tells me that he sees some Judenhass there, but it comes from Muslims/Arabs (Turks in the case of Germany) according to him.

  3. Goldhagen's thesis is not without strong critics though, Rita.
    A European Union research paper on antisemitism commissioned a decade ago found that what your friend finds to be the case in Germany is the case all over the EU. Accordingly, the report was suppressed!


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