Thursday, 27 October 2011

Protest Against Lush Cosmetics (video)

Lush might be a soap company, but as is probably well-known by now, it's been engaging in something very grubby. I've made several posts on the subject, starting with the one here

It's great to see these Californians taking a principled stand, in view of Lush's demonisation of Israel.  And as the uploader of the video points out on YouTube, there's hypocrisy and double standards involved in Lush's despicable campaign against Israel:
"They set up shop in countries where it is illegal for women to drive a car (Saudi Arabia) and where being gay faces a death penalty. It asks for you to support the PLO, who has asked for death to Israel and everyone it it, that includes Jews, Muslims, Christians.
 But it seems to think that the only point to get on a high horse about is Israel, and ignore Syrian, Libyan, Iranian, Egytian slaughtering of people for protesting."
Indeed, and isn't the latter stance the usual practice of the anti-Israel brigade, when all is said and done?

Read more here

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