Monday, 3 October 2011

New Pro-Israel Group Launched In Australia

Mazal Tov to Australians For A Secure Israel (AFASI), which has just been launched in Sydney.  I'm delighted to see that, in addition to a certain lady for whom my admiration is boundless, one of my favourite international affairs analysts, David Singer, is on the steering committee of this laudable new initiative.

To quote J-Wire (where further details and photographs of the inaugural occasion can be found):

'In his opening speech, AFASI’s president Danny Ginges said:
"Our group was formed out of concern about the growing attempts to delegitimise the State of Israel. Not just by the extremist fringes, but by elements of the political party that currently holds the balance of power in this country. Not just by radical followers of Islam and the church, but by members of our own faith....
Our common cause: the right to exist as a free people in our own land.
We are a capable and resourceful people.
We have shown time and again that when we stand together, we can face any adversity.
But not when our backs are exposed. Not when there are holes in our wall. And there are holes. Gaping holes.
The Jews who support the Global BDS.
Who stand outside Max Brenner and accuse Israel of apartheid and genocide. Who call for a renewed intifada.  
The Israeli NGO’s who provided 92 per cent of the material used in the damaging and grossly untrue Goldstone Report. Who organize litigation in Holland, England, The US, Spain and New Zealand against IDF officers for war crimes, and are funded by the same Arab organizations that support Hamas, and the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.
Our enemies are using disinformation to divide us and destroy us. We need to fight back with knowledge an understanding.
If we don’t know the truth, we can’t fight the lies."'
Meanwhile, the BDS fanatics vow to keep on keeping on - here's newly posted footage (not very good) of them outside the State Library of Victoria in Melbourne (with what seems to be a staple of BDS rallies, a screaming female to oversee proceedings):


  1. Thanks Daphne-your remarks are most appreciated

    It was a good evening and well attended. More so because it was a long weekend and a very cold,wet and windy night

  2. Yes, there were 100 people there, according to J-Wire.

  3. Dear Daphne

    I am delighted to know you have been following and enjoying my articles.

    As one of those involved in the formation of AFASI – it was extremely encouraging to see the turn out to hear Ron Weiser and Jeremy Jones at our inaugural function last night.

    We aim to unite our community in ending the denigration and delegitimization of Jews by fellow Jews which only weakens us in our efforts to ensure a strong and secure Israel.

    The sight of Jews actively participating in the BDS campaigns at Max Brenner restaurants throughout Australia is an example of how the community is being divided by what I believe is a campaign of misinformation – whose real object is to denigrate and delegitimize Jews and create the justification for any future attempt to eradicate the State of Israel.

    Another is the claim often made by Jewish people that Jewish settlement in the West Bank and Gaza is illegal in international law – when Jews have been given the specific legal right to live there under article 6 of the Mandate for Palestine and article 80 of the UN Charter.

    Whether they should do so is an issue on which Jews can – and do – have differing opinions which they are entitled to – and do – express.

    But we should all be united in understanding that the claim of illegality is not as cut and dried as those who make the claim and who then assert that those Jews who are doing so should be thrown out or are fair game to be attacked or otherwise be made to suffer for the consequences of acting illegally.

    AFASI hopes to counter and address issues such as these by holding meetings such as last night and providing information on our website counter the anti-Israel misinformation and hate programs that have flooded the internet. A visit to our website to watch the videos that have been posted is well worthwhile.

    Any comments, criticisms and suggestions would be appreciated.

    We need to reach out to those in the community that are apparently being influenced and affected to act as they do because of such misinformation.

    I urge all in the community and beyond to join AFASI in our efforts.

    If you send your email addresses to I will have you placed on the AFASI mailing list.

  4. Thank you very much for that, David.
    I have been a fan of your articles for quite some time, and I know that many other people greatly appreciate them too.

  5. David you should have been at the other end of Newtown for the last BDS action. I was set upon by the 'ferals' including a Jewish one.

    'Daphne' can you please post the link, or email it to me and I can send it to David.


  7. To Shirl

    This is indeed the crazy position Jews have got themselves into by swallowing the BDS rubbish. How a Jew can support boycotting the goods and services produced by another Jew is a mystery to me.

    Criticising Government policy is one thing.

    But punishing a fellow Jew by not buying his chocolates or face cream or calling for a University to stop him lecturing because the democratically elected Government of which he is a citizen has a policy you don't like is inane. Any Jew falling for that three card trick is really dumb.

    Perhaps one of those Jews who is doing so can enlighten me.

  8. David.. try coming to Newtown on the 29th, then you can ask them yourself. There are three or four to my knowledge...including dear Vivienne

  9. Late last week I submitted an article to the ABC blog The Drum after coming across by accident a particularly vile piece by Antony Loewenstein. I usually ignore Loewenstein and I don't mention him or anyone else. It was an attack on BDS and an attack on Jews who support BDS linked to a YouTube of Noam Chomsky (of all people) denouncing BDS as "pure antisemitism" .

    It's the first time I've ever posted anything to the ABC other than a formal complaint. Since then they have put up another three anti-Israel opinion pieces including one from Ali Kuzak. No sign of mine though,among other things denouncing BDS as antisemitism, even with Chomsky due in town next month to pick up his peace prize.

    I guess they have a long queue. Sure that must be it. This is the ABC. Any suggestion of bias on this subject is out of the question. They have a public duty.

  10. One point I tried to make is that is astonishing that anyone should be surprised that there are Jews being used upfront on this campaign. This is the nasty old left and we know these guys. They have always used idiots for what they are worth and right now there is a premium on idiots who are "Jews". They are especially useful idiots for now.

    Likely they have been recruiting for years and for certain there is plenty of funding for any of the leftist cults that attack . Norman Lebrecht talks about UK Jews taken on carefully guided tours of "Palestine". Who would be behind that?

  11. I'll try to find out about that last point, geofff. I do know that the constant drip drip drip of delegitimisation is affecting even students at Jewish day schools in the UK, some of whom have imbibed the canard that Israel was "born in sin".

    Your experiences with the ABC are like mine with the BBC - never can seem to get a comment up!

  12. Geoff with the stutter...are you in OZ?

  13. Daphne and Geoff

    The Drum is not moderated, everything posted goes up. I've never had an issue

  14. Thanks Shirl. I expect they have a long queue.

  15. Geoffff

    Again... are you in Oz? If so where ?

    On a number of occasions I have missed my post on the Drum and on mentioning to people I know, they tell me it's there.

  16. geoffff

    Why don't you post what you sent to the Drum on this site? I'm sure Daphne will publish it and I for one would be interested in reading your thoughts

  17. Yes Shirl. Far north NSW.

    David, it's a full length piece 2150 words.

    I also posted it to this blog.

    Caz is not Jewish, however is a good (if not uncritical) friend and as you see if you scan down always puts my pro-Israel posts up. She's busy at the moment but likely will put the full piece up in a day or two.

  18. How far north ? Not Byron Bay I hope!!

    Do you ever come down to Sydney? If you do you should come to one of our meetings. Caz too. Our group is for anyone who loves and supports Israel

    Check out the as yet unfinished web site

  19. Further north than that Shirl. I get to Sydney as infrequently as possible. Caz is in Melbourne and in any event I doubt would be interested. I don't know who she is BTW. For sure she's a friend but this is the blogosphere.

    I will send David my email address to get on your mailing list.

  20. gee Geoff, there isn't too much further to go in NSW !!!

    You can send it to me too if you like.


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