Thursday, 13 October 2011

"How Can They Sleep At Night, Knowing The Peril They Have Brought Onto Their People?": A Bereaved Mother On The Israeli Cabinet's Prisoner Release Swap

There has been much written already on the deal that will see the kidnapped young soldier Gilad Shalit freed by Hamas  in exchange for the release by Israel of over 1000 Palestinian prisoners.

Melanie Phillips has written a characteristically incisive piece here on the subject.  So, too, has Elder of Ziyon here.

Among the prisoners to be released is the person who took the life of Malki (pictured), the teenage daughter of Arnold and Frimet Roth, of Melbourne and Jerusalem.  They blog here, and The Malki Foundation commemorates the daughter they lost so tragically.

Observes Frimet Roth today:
'Along with the entire nation, I am relieved and happy that Gilad Shalit will be returning home imminently. But I am shocked and deeply pained that this is being achieved by the mass release of cold-blooded murderers.
One of them is Ahlam Tamimi, a proud terrorist and the unrepentant murderer of my fifteen year old daughter, Malki. Tamimi transported the 10 kg. bomb, handed it to her accomplice and then led him on foot to the door of the target she had selected, Jerusalem's crowded Sbarro restaurant. Seven men and women and eight children perished. 130 people were injured. She was sentenced to sixteen terms of life in prison.
Tamimi declared that she does not regret what she did. She actually smiled when told the number of children whose lives she took. 
With today’s decision to free the terrorists, prime minister Netanyahu, a savvy politician to the core, conveys to us his disdain for the lives of ordinary citizens like my Malki; his disrespect for Israel's justice system; and his lack of regard for the soldiers who faced death in order to apprehend the terrorists about to be freed.
 Which rational soldier or police officer is going risk his life in the future to defend us from the monsters like Tamimi, sworn to murder still more Jews?
The prime minister is quoted this morning saying that his "heart goes out" to Israel’s many terror victims. His actions and those of his cabinet suggest otherwise. How can they sleep at night, knowing the peril they have brought onto their people?'


  1. The NGO Monitor writes:

    “Shalit Agreement Shows Moral Failure of International Human Rights Frameworks”.

    I fully agree with their article, here:

  2. I can readily understand where Roth is coming from. This was a bad outcome, without doubt. But there was no good outcome available to Israel. The compact between the state of Israel and its soldiers - without whom it would be destroyed - requires the state to to everything it possibly can to get its soldiers back, whether it be live bodies or body parts. I doubt any Israeli will truly rejoice; but it had to be done.

    Spare a thought for Shalit himself. I'm sure he would rather had been killed 5 years ago than be the occasion for this terrible, but inescapable, deal with the devil.

  3. Thanks as usual, Rita.

    Nice to "see" you Rob, and I appreciate your comment.

  4. Maybe we'll feel better about this horrible thing once we see the boy.

  5. I hadn't held out much hope that he is still alive.

  6. As one who spent most his working life in (commercial) negotiations, I know better than to pass judgement on outcome of anyone else’s negotiations. I also know that I would not have liked to be in shoes of the Israelis who carried out this thankless task.

    From the outset, it was clear that the Israeli side would have to swallow many anti-sickness pills along with its principles and pride. From the outset, it was clear that the ONLY thing that kept Gilad Shalit alive was the prospect that Israel will eventually release terrorists – without such prospect, Gilad Shalit would have been murdered long time ago. From the outset, it was clear that irrespective of the outcome, it would be criticised. From the outset, Israel was in a lose-lose situation.

    The rest was just a question of how many and who.

    Those who are concerned that releasing terrorists will only encourage more kidnapping can stop worry; the Hamas, Hezbollah and all the terror organisations do not need “encouragement” to kidnap Israeli soldiers and civilians – they have been attempting it for years irrespective what Israel do or not do, luckily with little success but not due to lack of want on their part.

    I also remind those who criticise the “price” Israel had to pay for Gilad Shalit that, God forbid, had Gilad been murdered in captivity, Israel would have still be required to pay a price to get his body returned (as was the case with the three IDF soldiers who were kidnapped and murdered by the Hezbollah in 2000 and another two in 2006) and the fact that Gilad Shalit is the first captive in 26 years who returns alive is the only thing that matters.

  7. Very interesting and insightful comment - thank you, Jacob.

  8. Giulio Meotti, "Why Did Israel Betray Its Victims?"


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