Sunday, 30 October 2011

Damp Squibs & Demons

I'm reliably informed that there were few Israel-bashers in evidence in the Sydney suburb of Newtown this Saturday, despite one of the regular anti-Max Brenner demos being scheduled, as touted on Facebook and elsewhere.  The reason for this damp squibbery, as my informant (take a bow, Shirl!) suggests, is surely not hard to seek: the "rent-a-crowd" ratbags were preoccupied with the "Occupy" nonsense taking place in the city.

That the "Break Down the Wall" and the "Break Down Wall Street" mobs have much crossover has been amply demonstrated over the past few weeks.  One of the most brazen spinoffs of antisemitism on the part of anti-capitalists has ocurred on Facebook, with a page charmingly entitled: "Jews Are Greedy C*nts"
(racism and sexism in one, huh?!)  Read all about it here


  1. Fortunately Daphne, the offending Facebook page has been removed.

  2. I thought so, Shirl. Glad to see Facebook drawing the line somewhere.


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