Monday, 17 October 2011

"A Bunch of Smelly Antisemites Yelling At The Top Of Their Voices" (two videos)

Here's more from the Occupy Melbourne rabble.

In truth, I don't know how fragrant (or otherwise) they are in their persons.   It's their antisemitism that stinks.

My header was inspired by the following comment beneath the video on youtube:
"I just had to look this up! All I wanted was a signature Max Brenner chocolate fondue, and this is what I got instead. A bunch of smelly anti-semites yelling at the top of their voices!" 

If I find any further footage I'll post it here.

Here's more ("From the River to the Sea,,,") Hat tip: Shirl in Oz


  1. Joe in Australia17 October 2011 at 10:50

    The "Students for Palestine" logo you can see on some of the signs shows the entire area of Israel plus the West Bank and Gaza. There is literally no room for Israel in their plans; they want it wiped out.

    If you listen to the speaker at 5:10 &f you can hear him talk about "corporations running our world and I think we can say that [the chocolatier] Max Brenner and [its parent company] the Strauss Group is one of those corporations".

    This nonsense (really - a chocolate shop!) draws on classic antisemitic allegations about Jewish conspiracies. If you look at the website of the guy who posted the video you can see that he's not only a conspiracy theorist but an antisemite himself: here's the page where he describes the march and says "For those not aware, about 19 protesters were arrested in july for protesting a Jewish owned shop that supplies the Israeli army This goes to show people power can make the oligarchy step back." So it's not really about the tenuous link to Israel; it's about the "oligarchy" represented by "a Jewish owned shop".

    On a lighter note, it was funny seeing the signs belonging to the other kooks who were hijacking this demonstration. One guy dressed in black had Aleister Crowley's slogan "Love is the Law"; another guy had scrawled "Our Prime Minister Makes Five Times What You DO" on the side of a cardboard box. A third had a black crucifix on a piece of cardboard, but I couldn't read his slogan.

  2. Thanks for that long and informative comment, Joe.

    I had a look on YouTube at Occupy Aucklnd videpos - it's no coincidence that one was posted by an over supporter of "Palestine".

  3. What is interesting about this melee and I have watched them in action on numerous occasions are the "hijabi" girls- always on the perimeter of the group, they never actually say anything. Their presence, the true indicator of what is behind this anti Semitic hate fest.

  4. One such girl was an organiser of one of the Melbourne demos, SG - I think the one that took place in July, and if I recall correctly took part in the hatefest, encouraging the mob.

  5. The hijab is for effect.

    When they were arriving in Parramatta for the BDS rally, the Muslim girls were were seen and overheard talking about them.They said they were putting them on for *effect*

  6. I fear people fail to see how significant these protests are. They are a microcosm of what is happening globally and to ignore them is at our peril.

  7. Joe in Australia18 October 2011 at 00:58

    Did you notice the red-headed guy in the second video (at 0:50) smack the old gentleman holding an Israeli flag?

  8. I agree, SG.

    Joe, yes, I did - and then I wondered whether my eyes had deceived me. I must have a second look.


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