Tuesday, 18 October 2011

"Activist [aka Antisemitic Thug] Snatches Some Paperwork ..." (video)

"Activist snatches some paperwork and is punched on the back of the head" - that's how a scene from the following video, of the "Coaltion Against Israeli Apartheid" marching through central Melbourne on 15 October, is described on the video.  I have already added the video to a previous post, but I think it deserves a spot of its own.

That which is described sarcastically as "some paperwork" is a small replica of the Israeli flag.  It is being held aloft by an elderly gentleman in a blue baseball cap.  As a tall and much fitter young bloke in a black cap passes this elderly gentleman - who is quite possibly one of the Holocaust survivors who (with their descendents) comprise the bulk of the "Shtetl by the Yarra" (as Melbourne Jewry is often dubbed) - he shows his visceral hatred of the blue and white flag (symbol of the national liberation movement of the Jewish People and of the Jewish State) by tearing it from the obviously much smaller and frailer elderly man's grasp leaving him somewhat shaken.

Shame on the antisemitic thug. Shame on the movement he represents.


  1. As for that "punch to the back of the head", I must have blimked - because I mussed it!

  2. It would be interesting to know who will ultimately co-opt those robots. But by then, it might be too late.

  3. I'll have another squint before taking your word for it, Shirl.
    Robots is a good analogy, Sylvia!

  4. No, Shirl, no luck - in the words of some versifier or other:
    "My eyes are dim, I cannot see,
    I haven't got my specs with me."

  5. Yes they are good at whacking Israeli flags.
    We were at one of these events with a tiny flag it was smacked from our hands and stomped on.
    They like to assault anyone who shows any form of support for Israel. They are feral bastards.

    Brave old man.

  6. Skipping Girl.. you told me a few days ago that you're coming to Sydney.If you make it next weekend, the 29th, you can come to Newtown MB with me.


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