Monday, 19 September 2011

Slaughter Of The Innocents

A certain organisation in the UK that's composed of Jews constantly critical of Israel states as part of its platform:

"Human rights are universal and indivisible and should be upheld without exception" - but then goes on to say:
"There is no justification for ... Islamophobia, in any circumstance".
For reasons connected with the treatment of women alone  - "honour" killings being just one - I find the latter statement curious.

And it's always struck me as odd, not to say despicable, the way certain leftwing organisations bash, bash and bash Israel, yet turn a blind eye to appalling barbarity in the Islamic world.

Some might attribute these double standards to antisemitism.

Some might call the reluctance to confront the excesses of Islamism denial, and even more might suggest that some sort of death wish to the West and its way of life and values is involved.

This video contains gruesome scenes, but I'm glad to see that, while much of the world shrugs, including certain clerics who seem to make a fetish out of trying to delegitimise Israel, some Christians are fighting for the world attention that the terrible persecution of their members so critically deserves.

 Hat tip: Vlad Tepes blog

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