Tuesday, 20 September 2011

"A Mort Les Juifs!": En La Belle France BDS Betrays Its Antisemitic Nature

On Sunday, a mob of activists from an outfit called Euro-Palestine, some wearing BDS tee-shirts, surrounded the El Al desk at Roissy airport near Paris, preventing the registration of Israel-bound passengers and their luggage, and disrupting air traffic scheduling.

As the gendarmerie stood passively by, this intimidatory bunch of thugs left no doubt as to their antisemitic credentials by shouting (in French) "Death to the Jews! " " Death to Israel! "

Observes a Franco-Jewish spokesperson:
"These activists have shown the futility of distinguishing their antiisraélisme from antisemitism. Their hatred of Jews, whatever their nationality - they shouted it with impunity....
It is surprising and distressing that police remained inactive in the face of these disturbances of public order and did not react on hearing the death threats against Jews. Ignorance of the distinction between a crime and freedom of expression? Lack of training? Tolerance or understanding? These agents, would they have been slow to intervene if the violence occurred, for example before the Air France desk?"
Read more here and here

Here's footage of the mob invading the airport:

 And here's more (LDJ = Ligue de Défense Juive):

As for EuroPalestine, here's a video they made earlier, in the seaport of La Rochelle.  It shows that in France as elsewhere the BDS movement includes girls in skimpy tanktops, bossy Israel-demonising women of a certain age, and that notorious set of four mendacious maps:


  1. France is one of the few countrys in the world where my fummer friend says he is wary of wearing his kippa. I fear though the list is starting to grow.

    As groundskeeper Willie from the Simpsons refers to the French as " Cheese eating surrender monkeys " I cannot help but laugh.
    How many allied troops died liberating that ungrateful country from the real Nazi's ?

  2. I've heard Belgium is pretty bad too, Steve. Usual suspects.

  3. oh i will be checking out those videos you have here right after i paste my message!

    i'm leaving this message on any pro-Israel blogs i come across. there is a blog site that is loaded with confrontations and demonstration Youtube videos between pro-Israel activists and supporters of terror in the San Francisco Bay Area. yes there is support for Israel here and you are not alone! the blog consists of minimal text with mostly just just preview photos and Youtube links. i will be updating this blog with more videos over the course of the next few days. leave a comment if you want to get in touch and network or otherwise just enjoy the videos as we stick it too the Israel bashers like we did recently at a pro-palestinian parade contingent in Berkeley CA. on the 10th Anniversary of 911

  4. i hated france before anyways. i hope you'll check out my videos it'll make you feel better after this sickening crap.

  5. damn URL was incomplete in the first comment:

  6. Never mind France. If you are looking for the dhimmification of public conversation it seems you do not have to go further than J-Wire.

    Following is a post I sent to the site in response to a stupid little comment by someone using the name "ben".

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    September 17, 2011 9:47 pm at 9:47 pm
    Ben :”Egyptians have reason to hate Israel”.

    What reason? There has been a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel since 1979. There really is no excuse for not knowing this.

    The blog Biased BBC has a good take on that incident in Cairo reported by the BBC man.


    BDS is a global campaign that deliberately borrows the images of marching, shouting and boycotting “Zionist/Jewish” shops and the shouting down of a famous orchestra in a famous concert hall in London as tactics in a campaign with a clearly stated mission statement that has as its centrepiece the tearing down of the Jewish state for no other reason than it is the Jewish state.

    You claim this is not antisemitic? Even the godfather of moral equivalence and master anti-Zionist theorist, Noam Chomsky, says this is antisemitic. Here’s the great man himself explaining my.


    No Jewish state. No peace for the Palestinians.

    That is BDS.

    They have the audacity to call this a human rights campaign.

    It matters not at all that there have been a few Jews who have jumped to provide cover for this horrible thing. This has always happened. It should not impress anyone. It is in the nature of Jewishness that this is their prerogative. It means little and is afterall a very easy thing to do.

    Still waiting for "moderation". What the hell do they mean by "moderation"?

  7. Thank you, David!

    geoffff, perhaps you just fell through the cracks...


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