Sunday, 25 September 2011

"Mort Aux Juifs!" (video)

The French Revolution of 1789 culminated in the emancipation of French Jewry by Napoleon (once he'd been assured that Jewish beliefs and practices did not conflict with modernity or the ideals of the Republic and that consequently Jews deserved the privilege of French citizenship).

What the French Revolution foreshadowed by the voluble Israel-hating gentleman in the keffiyeh who stars in this video would portend for French Jewry can only be surmised, but certainly some of his cohorts appear to know the answer.  "Mort aux juifs!" can be heard as they march...


  1. The only country in Europe where two Jews have been murdered recently by Muslims because they were Jews is France.

    Ilan Halimi

    Sebastien Selam


  2. Thanks.

    Very gruesome murders indeed.

  3. And the French courts and media did everything they could to try and downplay the fact that the two victims, Halimi and Selam, were targeted davka because they were Jewish.

  4. Thanks, Shimona.

    What a repellent state of affairs. And the BBC is typically very reluctant to report such antisemitic incidents in France and elsewhere.

  5. Incidentally this happened outside a spanking new mosque, a former caserne militaire converted into a huge mosque, so that the "prayers in the street" should stop. This video was turned on the day that mosque opened and the day the French Government promised to finally "enforce the law". Well, have a look towards the end of the tape, what happened. They now occupy the mosque, but also the streets. Soon "Notre Dame" will be "Notre Mosque de Paris".

    As to the female usefull idiots and dhimmis, (in case they look into this blog): find ONE female among these murderous mob.

    This is PARIS!

    As to the spineless politicians of France, legally a secular Republique, not only did they finance this mosque, but the building they used was a military caserne, while their soldiers get murdered in Afghanistan ! Is that called "adding insult to injury"?


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