Tuesday, 13 September 2011

"Britons Never Never Never Shall Be Slaves" (Oh Yeah?)

The stirring old song "Rule Britannia," which accompanied many a British fleet into battle and of course contains those words quoted above, is as obsolete as the "wooden walls of Old England", alright.

Watch this video (hat tip reader Lilith) to find out why.


  1. Muslims against Crusades was formerly Islam4UK which was banned so wtf hasn't the government banned MAC?

  2. I can only assume the government thinks it can keep a better eye on them if they're not driven underground, Veronica.

  3. My TV is on practically 24/7, usually a news channel. This is the first time I have seen these scenes, which have made my blood boil.

    Is there a conspiracy in this now screwed up country to suppress news like this ?

    They revel in the murder of 3000 plus people... and are protected by our police, then any objection to their obscene behaviour is squashed.

    Questions must be asked why these scenes were in effect censored from the masses.

  4. The Te;egraph did a brief video clip,Steve. I am sure the BBC is deliberately hiding such things - fits right in with its track record and outlook. It may well be that there is a policy of collusion between the BBC, Sky, and Cameron!


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