Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Boycott Derangement Syndromers In Australia Protest Dead Sea Cosmetics (videos)

Sadly, the Ahava Store in London's Covent Garden, for so long the target of vicious protests by haters of Israel, is now kaput - and will not be reopening elsewhere in London as widely anticipated, at least not in the immediate future: see the report here.

Although negative publicity regarding the BDS campaign in Australia has tended of late to concentrate on the outrageous mob picketing of the Max Brenner chocolate stores, it shouldn't be forgotten that there is also a spiteful campaign against retailers of Seacret Cosmetics, which like Ahava Cosmetics contain minerals from the Dead Sea.

Here, for example, is footage from earler this year of an anti-Israel campaigner harassing workers on the Seacret kiosk in Canberra - he ends up being dragged away:

Protests against Seacret frequently take place in Brisbane, and over the past few months regular ones have taken place in Adelaide, to the delight of one of the principal anti-Ahava stalwarts in London, who has left emcouraging messages on videos the Adelaide protesters have uploaded to YouTube.

"Great work .... BDS will defeat the Zionist project in the end ...." he exults on one for example.

Since this blog has covered the Green Left BDS fanatics protesting Max Brenner in recent weeks, here are a couple of the video offerings of the Seacret protests in Adelaide:

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