Sunday, 25 September 2011

"Better A Bad Press Than A Good Eulogy", "Debunking the Palestine Lie" &"Bloody Truth" (videos)

Here's Binyamin Netanyahu, addressing what he so aptly calls the "theatre of the absurd" - the UN General Assembly - yesterday following Mahmoud Abbas's pitch for an affirmative vote on a Palestinian State.  Nobody expresses the case for Israel better than the attractive, charismatic, and eloquent Bibi.  In this speech he talks of Israel's ongoing contributions to the improvement of humanity, sets out why Israel - a country nine miles wide which is crossed by jet in three minutes - cannot sacrifice its security on the altar of appeasement to "the insatiable crocodile of militant Islam," reminding his audience that Israel went further than the "sweeping peace offer" so many urge it to make by surrendering land for peace, a move which far from calming "the Islamic storm" aggravated it.  Explaining that Israel will not tolerate another Gaza in the West Bank, he points out that the main obstacle to peace has always been the Palestinian Arabs' refusal to recognise Israel as the state of the Jewish People.  He reiterates that peace by negotiation must be the prelude to Palestinian Statehood,  that "the Palestinians should be neither the citizens of Israel nor the subjects," and invites Abbas immediately to start negotiating with him, right there in New York.  He notes, too, that when Ahmadinejad addressed the same forum "some of you left the hall - all should have" and declares that the forum should vote to demand the release of Gilad Shalit.

With sins-of-omission reports such as one on Al Beeb yesterday that left out all mention of Arab aggressors and thus gave the impression of gratuitous Israeli militarism ("In 1948 Israel fought for its independence, and won"), videos such as this next one are sorely needed.  This is an excellent exposure of Palestinian claims that  cuts simply through fabrications and fantasy, and which I'd love to make required viewing for the well-and-truly-duped members of my local all-female "Peace Choir" who've been standing in a local square serenading shoppers with songs demonising Israel (and only Israel), as is their custom:

Citing the fate of past agreements relating to the Arab-Israeli situation, Jerusalem musicianYedida Freilich voices caution:

(Hat tip for Freilich video: Lilith)

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