Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Anti-BDS Rally In Melbourne (video)

Outside the State Library of Victoria on Sunday, 4 September:


  1. I am so happy to hear this rally took place in Melbourne. It is about time. I only wish I could have been there to support the cause.Congratulations to everyone involved.

    Whenever I am in Melbourne it breaks my heart to witness the behaviour of the feral and ignorant fools involved in the Friday night protests against Max Brenner and Seacret.-Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

  2. The great thing about this rally is that it was not confined to members of the Jewish community.

  3. Did any of the boycotters approach the stage and offer the anti-BDS delegation the chance for an open and civil discussion or debate on stage, or did they just stand off to one side shouting the same old slogans throughout? No? Thought not.

    Hell is the impossibility of reason, and they want us to live it.

  4. We have a big BDS action coming this Saturday in Newtown, Sydney. J-Wire has given me a loan of a professional camcorder. Cecil B DeMille, eat your heart out. I just hope our Community can behave, not like last time, when I had a hell of a job to get them to go into Max Brenner and not add to the ruckus. It achieves nothing.

    There are two other groups who are planning counter protest.

    There is also a large pro-Palestinian rally planned on the 17th in Perth, with counter action planned

    Daphne please explain Newtown for me. Your typing is quicker than mine

  5. Not sure I understand what you want me to do, Shirlee.

  6. Never mind.

    Newtown's an area which is arty, hippy, alternative lifestyle environment, composed in the main of loony lefties

    By the way there is another big turnout in Melbourne on the 16th

    This country has gone stark raving bonkers

  7. On the other hand, the inaugural meeting of Australian Voices for Israel at Beth Weizmann in Melbourne addressed by parliamentarian Christopher Pyne attracted some 200 people, of whom about a quarter were Christians.

  8. Noting but slander and abuse without a single fact here. So Israel is not expanding exclusive settlements and raods in the West Bank and stealing the resources of the Palestinians ? And there were no massacres to expel the Palestinians after the unilateral declaration of Israel by Gurion ?

    Speak of ignorance, racism and bigotry!

  9. Hello You speak of my Ignorance. Well can you deny the Special Night Squads, Orde charles windgates militias, the massacres at Deir Yesin, Lyddah, Tantura, the killing of Palestinians who fled and tried to go back to their villages and farms. The expansion of settlements and exclusive roads, the robbing of Dead Sea minerals ? Or the fact that the settlers shoot at Palestinians, destroy their fields - every year the Israeli peace block arranges international volunteers to act as human shields for farmers during the olive harvest. Or you are perhaps not aware of reports of Amnesty International, the Red Cross, Gush Shalom. When you cannot bring ouit facts all you appeal to is ignorace, racism and bigotry.

  10. Hello Daphne Anson. Here is an offer. You are welcome to prove that the Arabs fled and were invited back by Israel. That there was no colonisation and that Israel fought against the combined might of the Arab countries "bent on its destruction". Come up with watever evidence you have.
    I will argue that Israel is a coloniser state that massacred and expelled the Arabs. And that it unilaterally declared the state and ha continued ethnic cleansing and aparthied.
    Let this be your opportunity to uphold Zionism and mine to expose Zionist hasbara.

  11. I reject your offer as firmly as I reject your anti-Israel propaganda. Sure, there were mistakes on both sides, and, sure, Israel makes policy decisions which are open to question - as do all countries. But the BDS movement defames Israel, demands its eradication, and ignores all the truly horrible regimes around the globe. I defend Israel precisely because people like you seek to delegitimise Israel and in many cases to gloat at the dispossession of the Jews from their land.

  12. Hello Daphne Anson

    I was offering evidence to back up every charge I make against Israel. You can do the same and back up every calim you make with evidence. Well the result is here to see. More slander and abuse but no to a principled debate.

  13. I don't serve as an outlet for demonic anti-Israel propaganda that serves the purpose of delegitimising and destroying the only democracy in the ME, and the first ME country in which Arab women were given the vote.

    You may, however, be interested in this:
    and this

  14. Hello Daphne anson

    Little purpose in asking me to read a few pieces when you are afraid of facing the truth.

  15. That's rich - as rich as Max Brenner's luscious chocolates - coming from you!

  16. Hello Daphne Anson

    The truth is here in print. You declined the invitation to a principled debate and only contributed slander and abuse. You are free to make a principled, clear defence of Zionism or the conclusion is that you are afraid of facing the truth. You have the same opportuniy as I, in the debate, I to expose and you to defend Zionism.

  17. Upholding Zionism and Israel is what this blog exists for - not to treat Israel as a prisoner in the dock against delegitimising judeophobes and socialist allies of islamofascists. That's my final word to you.

  18. Hello Daphne Anson

    Thank you for your reply. The hilarity of youre response lies in that I wan inviting you to do excatly what you say is the raison detre your blog.


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