Thursday, 4 August 2011

Ugly Hate-Filled Demo Against Israel In Melbourne (video)

This 15-minute video, which has to be seen to appreciate fully the extent of the hatred and defamatory lies against Israel by the intimidatory mob that marched from outside the State Library of Victoria to the Max Brenner premises on 29th July, opens with, and frequently repeats, the strains of the "Freedom For Palestine" song pimped by Lush UK.

Incitement-provoking slanders abound in hate-filled cacaphonous tones - "open air prison" ... "apartheid" ... "genocide" ... "colonial entity" ...

And as reported below, the Jewish communal leadership in Melbourne has not hesitated to describe the demonstration as antisemitic. 

J-Wire reports:

'The Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV) and Zionist Council of Victoria (ZCV) have expressed their concern at the continued attempts by BDS demonstrators in Melbourne CBD to target Jewish owned businesses.
The most recent event took place last Friday, 29th July, and followed on a demonstration four weeks earlier that saw 19 protesters arrested.
JCCV President John Searle said:
 “it was distressing to see yet another anti-Semitic BDS demonstration taking place on the streets of Melbourne last Friday evening. What we witnessed at both Melbourne Central and QV Centre was another example of intimidating, harassing and disruptive behaviour that caused distress to Melbourne’s shopping public, traders and shop employees.”
Searle note that
“you could see the look of discomfort on shoppers’ faces as they were confronted with the large crowd of rowdy protesters carrying placards and chanting anti- Semitic slogans.”
Amongst the demonstrators were some who had previously been arrested and who were apparently in breach of bail conditions that restricted their access to the site and their participation in anti-social behaviour of this type. Searle called upon the police
“to take appropriate action and arrest the offenders so they can be brought before the Courts. The people of Victoria do not expect the Law to be flouted in this way.”
ZCV President Sam Tatarka added that
“it was disturbing that management of the shopping centres – despite having affixed posters warning against trespassing – did not seek to have the police restrain the demonstrators from coming on to their property and acting in this totally unacceptable manner”.


  1. I want to boycott Max Brenner too. I, my wife, my three children (aged 18+) all served in the Israeli Defense forces and never received Max Brenner chocolates. This is clear discrimination!

  2. Do these clowns really think attacking or even destroying a small chocolate manufacturer will bring down Israel?

  3. I feel duty-bound to visit them, regardless of waistline!

  4. I bet none of those UNuseful idiots protesting have actually been to Israel, to see actually how Israel is the only country in the Middle East who cares for the Palestinians. They get social security, medical assistance, education, technology, employment.....they get NONE of this in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Egypt...
    Israel is only the 'mother of terrorism' in as much as a mother has to put up with the terrorism from her 2 year old or her teenager! Israel does not practice terrorism, only suffers it time and again from those who hate!
    You are dangerous fools - Israel stands between you and those who would enact the same terror on you!


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