Monday, 8 August 2011

Foreign Minister Rudd Wants Australia To Abstain On Palestine Recognition At The UN

Australia's Doc Evatt played a key role in facilitating Israel's birth at the United Nations in 1948, but Australia's Gillard government seems unlikely to help to bring a Palestinian state to fruition at the same, now much corrupted, forum in September.

At least, not by active means.  Passive means are another matter.

For if foreign minister and former prime minister Kevin Rudd, presumably with an eye on good relations with the Arabs and to ensure that Australia wins a temporary seat on the UN Security Council next year, had his way, Australia would abstain from voting on the issue.

He's advised prime minister Julia Gillard (pictured), hitherto known as a strong friend of Israel, of his view.

Last month, in Canberra, Palestinian Authority spokesman Ghassan Khatab lobbied Chris Evans, who was actng as foreign minister while Rudd was in hospital awaiting heart surgery, on the issue.

Read more:


  1. This is all about Rudd getting a seat on the UN. It's only a few weeks ago that he was supporting Max Brenner in Melbourne

  2. Sorry for the delay in posting your comments, deegee and Shirlee.
    My face is red, Shirlee, because I forgot to hat tip you!


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