Sunday, 14 August 2011

"The Crisis of Leadership In The White House": John Bolton on the over-arching need to restore America's national security

Well, it looks as if Rick Perry, who's reassuringly pro-Israel, might be the person who ensures that Barack Obama's a one-term president.  Meanwhile, here's America's former Ambassador to the UN talking about "the crisis of leadership in the White House", Obama's concentration on economic issues at the expense of foreign and defence policy, and Obama's dangerous reliance on multilateral diplomacy including his misplaced faith in the United Nations despite the threat of rogue states acquiring nuclear weapons, Russia's increased assertiveness, China's developing "bluewater navy", and what should be the supremacy of the American Consititution. Obama, warns Bolton, does not believe in "American exceptionalism" and is therefore the first "post-American president".  Obama's policy threatens not only the USA but its friends and allies around the world.  If Iran gets nuclear weapons, for istance, the global balance of power will change, not just in the Middle East.  American cities will be in peril and there is the danger that terrorists will be supplied with nuclear devices...


  1. You know that the liberals are worried about Perry because they are doing their best to paint him as an antisemite. John Bolton is a lone voice n the wilderness. I hope people listen.

  2. Thanks, IP - very interesting how the left-libs are reacting!

  3. I am still not comfortable with Bolton's stridency and seeming desire to find confrontation on every front.

  4. There can be a danger in that approach, of course, Eric - being thought to cry "wolf!" too often ...


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