Friday, 5 August 2011

Aussie Flotilla/Flytilla BDS Fanatic Sylvia Hale Talks About Her Thwarted Trip To "Palestine" (video)

Popcorn ready?  Kleenex tissues out?  Right, now you're all set to watch former Greens New South Wales politician Sylvia Hale with an account of her thwarted flytilla/flotilla frolic.  She's speaking to fellow far lefty Israel-bashers associated with Green Left Weekly in Sydney.

And here's fellow-traveller Vivienne Porzsolt doing her stuff:


  1. I used to be Green party here in the States. Voted for Ralph Nader (Lebanese man) in the 2000 election that was stolen by Dubya and Cheney with their Supreme Court justices discounting a recount of Florida ballots. But I can't do it any longer. For them to sit there and decide that Hamas leadership is liberal and the Israeli system is fascist just shows how far these people have fallen. It's truly Bizzaro, and a real sad statement about world politics.

  2. Thanks for the well-put comment, lwz. To use an Aussie torn of phrase, you're not wrong, mate!
    In Australia we tend to classify these types under our good old catch-all word "ratbags". The Green Party certainly seems to attract such far-out folk like bees to the proverbial honeypot.

  3. tut, I meant "turn of phrase" - should proof my comments!


    Antisemitism in mainstream Aussie media;

    "Norwegian authorities say he acted alone, but Mr Grice said Knights Templar in Australia subscribe to a conspiracy involving several gunmen and suspect Breivik may not be a real person but a construct of a pro-Israel organisation."

  5. Thanks, Anon - I'll check that out!


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