Sunday, 21 August 2011

Anti-Israel Mob Marches On Max Brenner In Newtown, New South Wales (videos)

Newtown is an inner-suburb of Sydney.  About 100-strong, the Israel-haters appear to have added a new chant to the familiar cacaphony.  But a pro-Israel crowd of about 60 was enjoying Max's goodies, and some of them went outside to give the moronic mob a not-so-hearty welcome ...

Hat tip: the redoubtable Shirlee!
Update: Reports Jenny Hillman for J-Wire:
'The shop was full at the time with a significant number of pro-Israel supporters among the customers. When the demonstration started, the police formed a line outside the store making entry and exit difficult. There were about 60 boycott supporters standing on the opposite side of the street and there was no way they had planned a peaceful demonstration as they had at least four megaphones and were screaming "from the river to the sea".  But more upsetting than that were placards displaying "Max, Max Murderer" and "Stop Mixing Blood in Your Coffee"… This goes beyond democratic rights of freedom of speech and becomes, in my opinion,  defamatory.
These protestors were screaming for genocide.
I had a women screaming at me with such hatred and venom that I believe I was looking at the worst kind of anti semitism.
It was a wake up call: we are dealing with something extremely ugly.
There were no arrests and the demonstration lasted around half an hour.'


  1. Sadly, I fear you're right, Juniper.
    Another thing is that they have been born well after 1967, and have imbued the image of Israel as an aaggressor state if not with their mothers' milk then certainly with a constant diet of BBC/ABC type propaganda.

  2. Exactly Juniper they are best left alone. By counter demonstrating you are feeding their ego.
    They are slowly but surely hanging themselves here as it has reached government level and action is being taken against them

    2 were arrested in Sydney. 19 in Melbourne where they are in big trouble four of them breached bail conditions. This demonstration was in solidarity with them.

    There is a big one next week in Brisbane and with a big of luck we can arrested a few more.

    They are complaining that despite all they are doing they have received little or no publicity.

    You will notice dear Vivienne Porsolt at 2.33. She did an extensive interview with Press TV, whose reporter Rihab Charida was arrested for staying on the job after the time allowed had elapsed.

  3. One thing I forgot to add.

    Here, unlike the good old mother country, both sides of politics are pro-Israel

  4. I am on alert for that VP interview, Shirlee!

  5. They are no brained scum bags.
    But there are stronger forces out there.

  6. I'm also on alert Daph. I'm watching all the Green/pro-Palestinian type sites.

  7. Good piece on BDS here:


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