Friday, 29 July 2011

Women Oppressed Under Islam? Show Some "Sensitivity", Mr Littman (video)

David G. Littman, representing the World Union for Progressive Judaism, condemned the oppression of women in the Islamic world in a forceful speech before the United Nations Human Rights Council  last month.

The president of the UNHRC, Sihasak Phuangketkeow, from Thailand, was, however, less than impressed:
"Can I remind the speaker that, you know, we're here to discuss human rights issues and when we raise issues of religion I think we have to do so with sensitivity and understanding... sensitivity... I hope that the speaker will be mindful of this when he takes the floor next time."

I wonder what Mr Phuangketkeow would make of this ghastly report from India, about a Pakistani pater familias in the Punjab who has murdered his six daughters in front of their mother.  Two of the girls, the father suspected, had been associating with college boys from the neighbourhood, and their four sisters had known about it.

Solution: death by gunfire for all six, his male "honour" restored, and his conscience clear, for he is reported to have no regrets, and would do it all over again if need be.

Hat tips: Vlad Tepes blog and Juniper in the Desert blog, respectively.

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