Thursday, 14 July 2011

UK Flytilla Pair Fly Back To Their Own Country

The pair were the first of a number of "activists" to return to the UK having been detained in Israel when they flew into Ben-Gurion Airport bound for "Palestine" and then deported.

And guess what?  When they regained their native sod a  reporter from Press TV, Ahmadinejad's satellite propaganda news channel, was there to interview them.

The garrulous Mike Napier, chairman of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in Scotland, tells of his detention in "the best prison in the Israeli Gulag" and octogenarian retired academic John Lynes from Sussex adds his ha'pence worth:

I recognise at least one regular at the anti-Ahava protests in Covent Garden among the welcome party, too.  (I've looked at enough videos of Ahava events on Richard Millett's blog over the past twelve months or so to be able to tell!)

Also among the flytilla "activists" from Blighty were Pippa Bartolotti, deputy leader of the Green Party in Wales, pictured sweetly with this unsavoury flag when she visited Gaza a couple of years ago:

Surely Pippa didn't realise it, but it's the flag of
an expansionist Syrian party which modelled it on the Nazi flag (that red symbol is inspired - if that's the appropriate word - by the Nazi swastika).


According to Al Beeb's news website - and not surprisingly, given its politically partisan predilections,  that website has devoted a fair bit of space to the flotilla and flytilla participants from the UK, Pippa Bartolotti has - like the Aussies Sylvia Hale and Vivienne Porzsolt - been challenging her deportation order in Israel.

So has Dee Murphy, an eloquent pro-Palestinian  activist from Swansea with a taste for the theatrical gesture - we've seen her tipping up a shopping trolley full of Israeli produce on the forecourt of a Swansea supermarket, and supergluing herself to a fixture in the foyer of BBC Wales:

For a no-holds-barred grip on these and other UK "activists" see

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