Tuesday, 26 July 2011

"How Can Israel Be A Sovereign State?" Asks A British Green Party Leader

One green pepper.  That's what Pippa Bartolotti, deputy leader of the Green Party in Wales, was served for breakfast in an Israeli prison cell recently, and it seems to be a phrase that applies to the lady herself.

Like many other Greens (especially of the female variety, it would seem), Ms Bartolotti is a devotee of the Palestinan cause.

She once told Press TV:
“It’s only the people that are going to make a difference because the governments are pathetically weak. They’re in the pockets of Big Money and Big Money supports Israel”.
See the video posted at Harry’s Place http://hurryupharry.org/2010/10/18/greens-and-nazis/ where the significance of the flag she's holding in this picture is discussed
and also her article at http://www.progress.org/2010/napoleon.htm

Ms Bartolotti participated in the "Viva Palestina" convoy that went to Gaza in 2010, and blogged about her experiences.

She  was in the "Flytilla" that arrived at Tel Aviv Airport this month, where videos were taken, one showing Ms Bartolotti banging on the doors of the customs hall with her small suitcase.

On her blog she wrote:
"Netanyahu had whipped up a media storm calling us hooligans and provocateurs. The man is mad of course...."
Detained by the Israeli authorities for several days, Ms Bartolotti noted on her blog:
"We try to formulate numbers. The women, as far as we can gather are: 30 French, 2 American, 9 Belgian, 1 Austrian, 8 British, 2 German, 1 Irish. We think there may be up to 40 men, but as we never see them, it is not easy to estimate. There is a rumour that some men have been taken to Be'er Sheba in the Negev. This is the 'army' which Netanyahu thinks is an existential threat to his petty kingdom."
Britain's Ambassador to Israel, Matthew Gould, paid her a visit.
"The Ambassador is young, I thought of Craig Murray, the youngest British Ambassador of his time, framed, banished and defamed for highlighting to Jack extraordinary rendition Straw that the British Government was implicit in torture in Uzbekistan, Except this was no Craig Murray I could see. This was a man of obvious Jewish extraction who had turned up in Givon and was clearly thinking we were a thorn in his otherwise quiet life and was probably there to announce that due to his great efforts, we were going."
In a subsequent blogpost she reflected on a few points concerning Israel, which she dubs "an apartheid state".

One question really seems to bother her, for in the post she poses it twice:
"The British Consul said that Israel was a Sovereign State, and as such could remove any people from its land at any time. Yet Israel has no fixed borders, so how can it be a sovereign state? ...
Why does my country accept Israel as a sovereign state when it has no borders?" http://pippabartolotti.blogspot.com/2011/07/13th-july-and-yes-still-in-prison.html


  1. Talking of Greens holding nazi flags, in today's Times(UK, paywall)a Norwegian writer referred to the youth who were gunned down as:
    "The youth wing of the Labour Party has always been in opposition to the party leadership.( I think she means more extreme!!)They are greener, they are redder and most notably stand for multi-culti..."I have the post here: http://juniperinthedesert.blogspot.com/2011/07/norway-update-importance-of-utoeye.html

  2. Thanks, Juniper - I was looking at your site earlier, as a matter of fact.

  3. Good stuff, geoffff - methinks that ratbags are attracted to the Greens like bees to the proverbial honeypot!

  4. I'm surprised my comments have been displayed for so long. That's unusual. Maybe this woman is still in jail.

    Best place for her really.

    "My pleasure Hagai.Y.

    "Know that Israel has many friends.

    "We understand that ultimately this is all about extremists who simply refuse to accept Jews and a Jewish state for no other reason than they are Jews. Sure they want their own state but more than that they want the Jews to be dispossessed of their state.

    "This has been the situation from the very start and it continues to this day. Also from the start there has been huge encouragement from the outside for the destruction of the Jewish state. As we can see here that too continues to this day.

    "There is something especially vile about the sight of Brits and Europeans attacking Israel in particular. It's hard to read whiny little complaints about who got allocated what sized portion of dusty land over 60 years ago as a justification for unrelenting war without feeling sick. These people need to look into their souls.

    "Why do they do it? It's obviously not for the Palestinian people. If they cared about them they would be hollering for their liberation from Hamas. They obviously don't care about the human rights of other Arabs either given what's happening for instance in Syria right now. Not a word about what those people are going through from these people.

    "No, this is not about Palestinians or human rights. For these people it is about something else entirely. Pretty obvious really.

  5. Assuming the United Nations votes in September to recognise a Palestinian state that has none of the characteristics normally required of a state I have no doubt Pippa Bartolotti will be pushing for full British recognition. A little matter of having no control over its borders won't faze her.

  6. Thanks for the comments, Anon and deegee.


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