Friday, 1 July 2011

The Flotilla's Not About Humanitarian Aid, Silly!

Flotilla activist Joe Catron, for one, has come clean and admitted that the flotilla's about political provocation, not humanitarian aid.

Writes the Brooklyn resident, inter alia:
"The Flotilla targets the denial of Palestinian self-determination, not a humanitarian crisis. It aims to break the siege, not only because the siege causes hardship for Palestinians, but also because it obstructs their inherent rights to determine their collective destiny, and that of their historic homeland. The goal is not a reliable flow of international charity, or even a functional economy, but rather Palestinians’ sovereignty over their own coasts and territory."
Read more: though note that Ron Curiel is Israel's envoy to the EU, not, as Joe has it, the UN.

As for that siege - well, look at the kind of things the Israelis are, in fact, letting through. 
Hat tip to "Eeyore" on the Vlad Tepes blog for this one:


  1. The goal of these floating theatrical productions is not to deliver supplies which Gaza is not being denied in the first place. The goal is to embarrass Israel into abandoning the controls which prevent weapons from being imported there.

    Curious that the stage-managers of these events seems unconcerned about the humanitarian needs or self-determination of the Kurds, Egyptian Copts, Berbers in the Maghrib, Shiites in Saudi Arabia, etc.


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