Tuesday, 14 June 2011

"Where Is The Outcry When Arabs Build Illegally On JNF-Owned Land?"

That's a question asked by Michelle Huberman, a UK-based Jerusalem Post blogger, in an interesting piece about the Jewish National Fund (and other things).

"How many people," she asks, 
"know that the JNF lays claim to 73,974 dunams in southern Syria ...? The earliest purchase was made in the 1880s when it was under Ottoman rule. Surely they should have been demanding compensation from the Syrian government? Maybe if this had come to public attention, it could have been negotiated for the Palestinian refugees that the Syrian government have allowed to fester and more recently mobilised to storm Israel's borders.
The same in Lebanon: 4,000 dunams....
Where is the outcry when Arabs build illegally on JNF-owned land? There is an extremely tangled web of Jewish ownership in Arab areas. There are hundreds of thousands of Arab squatters in 'Arab east Jerusalem' who live on land still owned by the Jewish National Fund....
.... In total 145,976 dunams of Jewish land is said to have come under Jordanian control....
Another 16,684.421 dunams of Jewish land in the rural West Bank - including the Gush Etzion settlements, land between Nablus, Jenin and Tulkarm, and in Bethlehem and Hebron - were seized by the Jordanians after 1948...."

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