Thursday, 16 June 2011

Sax, Lies, And Videotape

My beady Zionist eye just spotted this, a video of a BDS march and demo that took place in London on 4 June.  It's the same demo from which an anti-Israel crosspatch emerged, as seen here:

By the way, here's a current exchange on a pro-BDS Facebook page regarding the imminent closure of the Ahava store in central London's Covent Garden and relocation to the north London suburb of Golders Green, which has a large Jewish population:
"Ahava it seems is going to play its 'Jewish' card. I heard from a cop on Saturday that the new store is likely to be located in Temple Fortune, Golders Green. If this is true then (a) it might well not open at all on Saturdays and (b) any picket unlike in Covent Garden would be perceiced [sic] much more readily as anti-Semitic by the local community."
"Then maybe its time to educate the Jews of the crimes that their Brothers and Sisters are committing in the name of 'never again"
"Yep, we need to counter 100 years of Zionist brainwashing."


  1. If those filth come up to that area there is going to be a MASSIVE counter demo, believe me!

  2. The sax player sure wouldn't win any prizes !!

    What a difference to the videos you posted about Parramatta 'Daphne'

  3. I think they might consider discretion the better part of valour, Juniper!

    I was willing the sax to stop, Shirlee. At one stage I thought it was a didgeridoo!

  4. Oh no Daph !! The didgeridoo has a lovely sound.

  5. Juniper and all,

    Let's get the dogs out ;)
    Juniper knows what I am talking about. :)

    EDL JDiv

  6. My unreserved apologies to the didgeridoo, Shirlee.


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