Tuesday, 28 June 2011

The Real Freedom Flotilla

"O Liberty," famously exclaimed Madame Roland as she awaited death by guillotining during France's Reign of Terror," what crimes are committed in thy name!"

The antics and prattlings and sheer hypocrital double standards (to put it no stronger) of the leftwing Israel-bashers who have joined the so-called Freedom Flotilla Two inevitably put me in mind of her words...

In a new article entitled "The Authentic Palestine Freedom Flotilla" Ruth S. King writes:
'No! I do not mean the motley crew of terrorist enablers, terrorists and assorted curs and knaves that is taking to the briny to defame Israel and bring “humanitarian” aid to the denizen of Gaza. Never mind those immoral misfits who forgot how the residents of Gaza trashed and looted and destroyed the farms, greenhouses, state of the art farming tools and implements, organic fertilizers and even seeds in the lush gardens of Gush Katif which provided 70% of Israel’s produce and $120,000,000 in exports of foods and flowers.
I speak of a real Palestine freedom flotilla….that fleet of ancient and ramshackle ships and the valiant volunteer crews that transported the wretched survivors of the Holocaust to Palestine in defiance of the perverse British blockade between 1946 and 1948.'
 Read all of Ruth King's article here: http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.9834/pub_detail.asp

As for double standards, watch this segment from a Canadian show - John Downs's pitiful evasive responses to Michael Coren's probing!

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