Saturday, 4 June 2011

A One State Solution (video)


  1. :):)Absolutely brilliant, and typical jewish! Wit, humour, intelligence - perhaps the reason that we dont get any of that from those who want to eliminate Israel and the Jewish people is the fact that those qualities are probably verboten "over there"....

  2. Richard Joachim7 June 2011 at 11:20

    How may I subscribe to your wonderful 'blog' (why hasn't there been a better name devised for what is actually an electronic magazine)? I'm fairly new to all this electronic wizardry, so is there a (virtual) button I need press or something. I've looked around the site and I must be missing something, there has to be a way to subscribe surely? Any assistance would be gratefully received. PS. I love your editing and your choice of applicability of subject. Thank you Dr, 'Daphne-Anson'. (I too am a naval - and general - history "buff', and have been published.) Best wishes, Richard Joachim

  3. Thanks for your kind words, Richard - to subscribe just look immediately below the comments box and you'll see "Subscribe by email" which I assume is how it's done.

  4. Richard, I should have added that it only shows below the comment box when you start to type in the box.


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