Wednesday, 8 June 2011

BDS Flashmob in Brisbane, Australia

Thumbs down to this performance, folks.  All the usual canards from this mob (intimidating one of their favourite targets, a cosmetics retailer in a Brisbane mall) - "blood on their hands," "the apartheid state," demands for the return of the "refugees," and that old "From the River to the Sea" chant.

Hat tip: The truly amazing reader Shirlee


  1. These people are brain dead moral degenerates. Do they really want to see Jews massacred?

  2. Look at their faces. It's a mixture of embarrassment and "Wow am I really doing this? How awesome and righteous am I?!"

    Where's the boycott for Indonesia and Burma who to this day continue to subjugate the Papuan and Karen people. These people have been subjected to systematic murder, rape, torture and have had their villages burned down (because they're made out of wood and straw) whilst the people in Gaza will soon be enjoying their second luxury shopping mall which wouldn't look out of place in London.

    Disgusting, absolutely disgusting. There are so many people in this world who are denied a much needed voice in the international community because these insecure teens who need somewhere to flout their "morals" relentlessly attack the only country in the ME that will protect gay people, where women are actually human and where religious minorities are free.

  3. Good grief. "The apartheid wall". BDS is all about ending the existence of Israel. It's scary to see how many people have been duped into this foolishness.

  4. Thanks for the comments, Roger, Anon, and Bunty - needless to say, I don't disagree.
    Very good points, Anon! Most of the many Anons who post tend to bat for the wrong guys ...
    I love the way the elderly bloke sits stoically through it all, imbibing his cuppa. At least he was not tempted to join in!

  5. Yes Daphne... I had a giggle at the old boy too!!!

  6. I live an hour's drive from Brisbane. We have our own problems with these people in the Tweed Valley but I intend to attend their next Brisbane rally.

    These people are obscene.


  7. Roger asks: "Do they really want to see Jews massacred?"

    I would say the answer is most likely YES.

    Anon says: "... these insecure teens who need somewhere to flout their "morals" relentlessly attack the only country in the ME that will protect gay people, where women are actually human and where religious minorities are free...

    Unfortunately, among them are also gays themselves, and women and soi-disant "Christian" people like the media hungry Bishop Tutu - who just wrote a letter praising the pushers of this racist/antisemitic "boycott", in Australia. And unfortunately, the perpetrators of these ugly hatefests are not only "insecure teens" but post menopausals like Lee Rhiannon, a Green Senator elect in the Australian Government.

  8. Thanks for the further comments!
    I've seen several other videos of the BDSers in Brisbane (h/t guess who?)and feel just that little grubbier for having watched them.

  9. Daphne... search BDS Brisbane on Youtube there are loads of videos.

    This isn't a BDS 'production' this is Students for Palestine, the same as the other video I sent.

  10. Thanks for the clarification, Shirlee!


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