Tuesday, 24 May 2011

The Right Lines Regarding Borders

This video has done the rounds of several blogs, but its message is worth emphasisng.

And for a cogent explanation of the border issue, few have surpassed Marvellous Melanie:
"Obama spoke correctly when he referred to the ‘1967 lines’ rather than ‘borders’. There are no 1967 borders. Israel actually has no borders. All it has are the 1949 ceasefire lines, which is where Israel was left when it fought off the attempt by five Arab armies to exterminate it at birth. These lines were referred to [by Abba Eban] as the ‘Auschwitz borders’ because within them no country could possibly defend itself against its enemies. They left Israel at its narrowest point a mere nine miles wide - as Netanyahu said, less than the Washington Beltway. A return to the 1967 lines would mean exposing Israel once more to the likelihood of destruction, and such a proposal runs counter to the spirit and the letter of UN Resolution 242. True Obama added ‘with land swaps’. But no realistic land swaps could make up for this fatal vulnerability."
The rest of her post truly is essential reading: http://www.spectator.co.uk/melaniephillips/6966810/obamas-achievement-the-mouse-that-roared.thtml

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