Wednesday, 4 May 2011

A Message to "The Occupier" from Fatah's Military Wing

To quote the Jerusalem Post,
"' A poll released this week by the US-based Pew Research Center showed bin Laden as largely discredited among predominantly Muslim nations in recent years. But among the seven Muslim populations studied, support for the terrorist leader was highest – 34 percent - in the Palestinian territories."
We've seen how Hamas reacted to the news of Bin Laden's death - by deploring his killing and calling him "an Arab holy warrior".

And hot on the heels of that statement comes one from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade, the military wing of Fatah, quoted by the Jerusalem Post citing that eminently informative site PalestineMedia Watch:
"The Islamic nation awoke to a catastrophe, the reports of the shahid  [martyr] death of the sheikh, Jihad fighter Osama bin Laden, in a treacherous manner, by the gangs of the heretics and those who stray.  If Bin Laden had indeed died as a shahid, this would not deter the resistance fighters from the path of Jihad against injustice, oppression and occupation in the world.
The path irrigated with the blood of its leaders is the path of victory, Allah willing. Abu Abdallah [Bin Laden] was killed, then he merited the martyrdom which he had sought, and inscribed with his blood the landmarks of Jihad, leaving behind an entire generation that follows the path of Sheikh Osama.
The military wings of the Jihad fighters in Palestine and outside of it, who have in the past lost many of their commanders and their men, will not stop. This has only strengthened their determination, their resolve and their loyalty to their shahids, who have turned their words into a reality testifying to their honesty, and which in fact bolsters the drive and the strength of their brothers on the path to victory or martyrdom.
We say to the American and Israeli occupier: the [Islamic] nation which produced leaders who changed the course of history through their Jihad... is capable of restoring the glory of Islam and the flag of Allah's oneness, Allah willing."

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