Thursday, 19 May 2011

Intention Genocide: From the Hamas Hitlerite Horse's Mouth (video)

This is Hamas MP Yunis al Astal on Hamas Al Aqsa TV last week explaining in language reminiscent of Hitler that the ingathering of the "Zionists" to Palestine is part of a divine plan, to give Arabs the "honour"of exterminating their "evil".

It all fits in with that genocidal Hamas Charter, the warrant for genocide that the BBC never publicises.

He also predicts that Palestine will be the capital of the new Caliphate  when Israel is no more and the region becomes "the United States of Islam".

Meanwhile, a repeat of the "Nakba Day" incursions across Israel's borders on 15 May (see video below) is in the works.

Again, it's being planned on Facebook.

The site whose logo I reproduce seems to be the pivotal one.  It's called "Third Palestine Intifada".

It urges Arabs to rush Israel's borders after Friday prayers on 20 May...

1 comment:

  1. It's like fighting a Hydra:

    the West must not give up!!!!!


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