Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Hoary-Headed Hate: Nonagenarian Palestinian Arab Woman Hopes for Massacre of Jews (video)

"Allah willing," 92-year-old Sara Jaber tells her receptive interviewer during a recent "Right of Return" demo, "you will massacre them [the Jews] like we massacred them in Hebron [in 1929]."

She adds: "My father massacred them, and brought back stuff ..."

For an eyewitness account of the Hebron horror see: http://daphneanson.blogspot.com/2011/02/they-stuck-sword-down-his-wifes-throat.html

See the video of Sara Jaber at  http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/2929.htm (hat tip: reader Shirlee) or a subtitle-added YouTube-uploaded version below:


  1. The boy scout in me says, "Help the old woam cross the road" - under a bus.

    I've recommended this video as the answer when asked why doesn't Israel let the Palestinians back.

  2. That murderous old crow was going to detail what her jew-murdering and -luting father had "brought back from the massacred Jews"...someone stopped the tape there...hmmmm....sensitivity??


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