Thursday, 12 May 2011

Antisemitism "Very High" Among Young Muslims in Brussels, Poll Indicates

A study entitled "Jong in Brussel," undertaken by the Jeugdonderzoekplatform (Youth Research Platform) in cooperation with the universities of Ghent, Leuven and the Dutch-speaking VUB, polled 2,837 students in in 32 Dutch-speaking high schools in Brussels.

Here some statements made about Jews to the students, with the percentage of affirmative replies overall:
"Jews want to dominate everything" (31.4% agree)
"Most Jews think they are better than other people" (29.9%)
"When you do business with Jews, you have to be extra alert" (28.6%)
"Jews agitate for war and blame others" (28.4%)

Results of the poll show that half the respondents "can be described as antisemitic which is a very high rate," according to says VUB sociologist Mark Elchardus.
"Worse, [in Brussels] anti-Jewish sentiments are unrelated to the level of education or poor social living conditions.
The antisemitism is theologically inspired. There is a direct link between being Muslim and antisemitic feelings. Catholics, too, are negative toward Jews too, but their sentiments are by far not as strong."
The rate of antisemitism in Flemish-speaking areas of Belgium is markedly lower, it seems.
Hat tip: Missing Peace

I guess we can put that in the context of this:

And of this:

So those results are par for the course, really, when we recall that the European report on antisemitism issued in 2003 was suppressed since it showed what politically correct EU bureaucrats didn't want to be revealed - namely, that antisemitism in Europe today is endemic among young Muslims.

1 comment:

  1. This report is a piece of crap. It only shows that young muslims in Brussels are not as politically correct as the non-muslims. I know by experience that antisemitism is much higher among the Belgians. Even the Belgian neonazis claim to be friends of the jews.


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