Sunday, 24 April 2011

A Second Greens-Controlled Sydney Council Eyes BDS

It seems that deep inside the bowels of the Greens-controlled Leichhardt Council in inner Sydney lurks the Boycott Derangement Syndrome bug that infected nearby Marrickville Council until its recent flushing by sane elements.

The Australian newspaper reported last week that an analysis by Leichhardt Labour councillor Darcy Byrne has found that over the past the two and a half years  since the Greens took power in Leichhardt almost 57 out of a total of 118 motions pushed by the Greens have been devoted not to normal local government issues but with state, federal and international matters of no relevance to the council's brief.  Moreover, the council has spent hundreds of thousands of ratepayers' money on sponsored protests dear to the Greens' heart.

Says the newspaper:
'A Labor-sponsored motion in Leichhardt that ruled out support for the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign was defeated on Tuesday evening, at the same time as the backdown in Marrickville.
The Greens Mayor of Leichhardt, Jamie Parker, was elected to state parliament last month while his Marrickville counterpart, Fiona Byrne, was defeated after making contradictory statements on whether she planned to push for the BDS campaign to be adopted across NSW.'
It quotes Darcy Byrne (presumably no relation to the ardent BDSer Fiona Byrne, Marrickville's Green mayor) who moved the successful motion against BDS, as claiming the defeat showed that Parker is still bent on an anti-Israel boycott.

Said Darcy Byrne:
"One of the reasons I put the motion up is that Parker's position has been less than clear. They're still hoping, once the public outcry has died down, they can slip it through quietly."

Meanwhile, according to the same newspaper report the incorrigible Fiona Byrne has refused to characterise Marrickville's thwarted foray into overseas policy as an abject failure.  She insists:
"Council has put the human rights of the Palestinian people on the national agenda - that's success to me.
This is an ethical purchasing policy. Every organisation, every individual, has a right to decide who they'll do business with.
There's been an avalanche of criticism and pressure, I think from those who put politics before principles."
Hat tip: reader Shirlee
For more on Marrickville and pictures of the BDS meeting on 19 April see:


  1. The man on the last photo, in the back row, standing up is the abominable Lowenstein

    How did you happen upon Jacqueline from "Saving our trees"? She is really a very nice person

    By the way, the issue wih Leichhardt and the BDS has been going on for a couple of years, It's being "handled" by the looney left Inner West Chavurah

  2. Yes, Shirlee, I recognise Antony of old.
    Just stumbled across Jacqueline's blog by serendipity.

  3. That interview with Asa Kasher is truly remarkable and an absolute must read. It's quite amazing how hard Israel works to retain its moral compass in the most testing of battlespaces. Of course the IDF is not perfect, and like all armies will have its rogues. But what other army has ever gone to these lengths? And against an enemy which fires missiles at school buses.

  4. Since Isi Leibler commended it on his blog it should get the wide readership it deserves, Rob, though alas not among the usual suspects.

  5. "Change" seems to be the global euphemism for the widespread normalisation of anti-semitism and bringing in of islamo-fascism.


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