Monday, 11 April 2011

The Reprehensible Propagandistic Hypocrisy of the BBC

If anything illustrates the sheer leftist audacity of the arrogant licence-payer-funded propaganda machine that is the BBC it is the revelation that Al Beeb has been in talks with anti-monarchists in Britain and will allow their cause maximum publicity ahead of this month's Royal Wedding. 
That the national broadcaster should behave in this manner might seem incredible, but the move, which illustrates clearly its links to the political Left, was foreshadowed some years ago when Al Beeb presenters were instructed from on high no longer to refer to Wales as "The Principality" - which is precisely what legally and constitutionally Wales happens to be - on the grounds that such a definition is offensive to republicans!

It was foreshadowed more recently by Al Beeb's College of Journalism (CoJo) hosting a blog on its website by a leader of the republican movement in the UK:

Surely - with this as a precedent - it's about time that the BBC bowed to "Zionist" pressure and released the Balen Report on its Middle East coverage for public scrutiny.  That, of course, is the report that Al Beeb has spent a huge amount of licence-payers' money on in hiring top lawyers to ensure via the highest court in the land that the report  (paid for with public funds) never reaches the public domain.

And surely - again citing this surrender to republicans as a precedent - it's about time that a leader of the Zionist Federation in the UK was given a guest post on Al Beeb's CoJo site in order to argue for fair representation of the Israeli position on the BBC instead of the scandalous bias that occurs day after day after day.


  1. Now there is an interesting subject but why do you care? or care in terms of Israel?

    I am a big fan of Charles because of his environmental views -- he's correct on a lot of the issues and I will be sad to see him silenced --as he must -- if he becomes King.

    However in fact I am -- FWIW as an American! -- a republican and believe that inherited position is socially debilitating. Am I hardcore against the Royals? No but I suggest that Britain would be better off with a lower-key Royal Family and far fewer "aristocrats" generally.

    But as to Israel? Why would you care? In fact it's my understanding that the Royal Family has never, over 60 years, shown much interest in or favor to Israel, though maybe I am all wrong on that point.

    So why do you care to defend the Royals?

  2. I raised the point to illustrate the leftwing bias of the BBC that allows certain causes to hijack its agenda, David. It's that very mindset that makes it such a demoniser of Israel, the USA, and the West.
    You are correct - there has been no state visit of a royal to Israel ever, and thisis shocking. I blogged about it here:
    Also this:

  3. The Telegragh link is broken

  4. Actually the BBC's Royal Coverage is consistent. The BBC loves huge events where it can see a vastly excessive no. of staff for a trip. Think the Glastonbury Festival, Olympics or World Cup. Once the BBC was actually the 'national' broadcaster for national events such as royal weddings and didn't think them as grounds for subversion. They are still banking on that image whenit suits them.

    They will soothe their consciences by giving an uncritical platform to Republicans and Muslims.

  5. The BBC certainly fields large numbers of reporters on what might be described as junkets, deegee! Thanks for the interesting comment.
    Too bad the link is broken - Peter Sissons waded in there.

  6. Mr. Sucher, the Royal Family can only go where they are allowed to go. The 'Queen in Parliament' is Sovereign. Your President has more autonomy than the Royals - so much for your republic!

    HRH Prince Phillip's mother is buried in Jerusalem because of her help to the Jews. No President has ever earned that accolade.

    How many aristocrats do you think we have? This is not France before the Revolution, thank God. Do you think that we all go around bowing and scraping etc.?

    Why don't you try visiting us instead of getting your history from Hollywood? Mel Gibson is a well-balanced subject of the Queen. He has a chip on both shoulders.

    The republicans in Britain and Australia tend be left-wing and have far more in common with your Democrats. They are in the process of undermining our constitutions. There are checks and balances involved in our system which are being destroyed. Do not look at our Royals in the light of US myths about the Rebellion.

    The BBC is siding with left-wing republicans, Arabists, Islamists, secular humanists and atheists; and AGAINST our constitution, including the monarchy, AGAINST Israel and AGAINST the Christian Church.


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