Monday, 18 April 2011

Lauren Booth Talks in California about 9/11, Palestine, and "Arabs with Guns" (video)

Here's Tony Blair's sister-in-law, Press TV's very own Lauren Booth (not a strand of yellow hair visible), who presents a regular show called "Remember Palestine" for Ahmadinejad's propaganda news channel, doing a spot of reminiscing for diners at the Islamic Circle of North America's recent fundraising event in Southern California.

It seems that her post 9/11 quest to discover the "truth" about "Palestine" led ultimately to her membership of what she calls "the most amazing umma in the history of mankind."

If nothing else, her opening remarks should lay to rest the rumour, apparently based on a throwaway line from her father, bibulous actor Anthony Booth, that her mother's Jewish!


  1. She's so inane that it's hard to pay attention. From the sound of forks hitting plates, I gather the audience had the same reaction.

  2. Judging by the way everyone is eating and the waiters are carrying on with their duites. I don't think anyone is the least bit interested !!


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