Friday, 1 April 2011

It's Grubby Beneath Some Green: A Sydney Boycott Derangement Syndromer and Jewish "Semitism"

Pip Hinman is a BDS activist in Sydney.  In the New South Wales state election she stood as a Socialist Alliance candidate for Marrickville (whose council recently voted to boycott Israeli products) and she writes regularly for Green Left Weekly.

In a blog concerned with "smears" directed at Marrickville  mayor Fiona Byrne (pictured on this defaced poster) Ms Hinman observes, in part:
'The attempt to slur those who criticise Israel’s treatment of Palestinians as fascists - or supporters of the Nazi’s attempts to wipe out the Jewish population in Eastern and Central Europe during the World War II - is a crude and desperate attempt to silence critics.
While some anti-BDS campaigners would disagree with this sort of slanderous tactic, they nevertheless equate criticism of Israel’s policies with a form of anti-Semitism.
Two weeks out from the election, a succession of editorials, comment pieces and articles asserted that Byrne (who is also the Mayor of Marrickville) was one or more of the following: deranged, an extremist, immature and, or, anti-Semitic.
The March 28 Sydney Morning Herald editorial said: “They [the Greens] may have paid a price for their Marrickville candidate’s indulgence in childish gesture politics as a local councillor. Fiona Byrne’s support for an absurd ban on firms with links to Israel from doing business with Marrickville Council only cast doubt on her and her party’s commonsense.”
An anti-BDS commentator to the online Green Left Weekly put it a little more crudely: “Singling out Israel [sic] [This sic is in the original, and it would be instructive to know why - Daphne] for boycotts and ignoring all the human rights violation in the Muslim world is anti Semitic, no matter if ur [sic] Jewish or not …” ....
The argument that any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic is ridiculous but it is routinely used by supporters of Israel to try and silence its critics....
Antisemitisim - a hatred of people of Semitic “race”, which includes Palestinians and some Jews - is of course racist. Racism, in all its forms (including anti-Arab racism) should not be tolerated. [My emphasis]' (
Methinks I glimpse that old Jews-are-Khazars trick again, which of course, in denying that most of World Jewry is of semitic origin and depicting Ashkenazim as Europeans entirely without roots in the Middle East is a major weapon in denying the Jews' claim to Eretz Israel and delegitimising the Jewish State.

In any case, when the German judeophobe Wilhelm Marr coined the term antisemitism around 1870 he used it, and intended it to be used, with specific application to hatred of Jews.

Ms Hinman would appear to have scored an own goal. 

And in doing so she has revealed the true grubby colour that all too often lies beneath Green.


  1. Hinman in action

  2. ………Nice person this Pip Hinman…not

    She says in the video “We salute the governments of Cuba, of Venezuela, of Bolivia of Nicaragua.

    My goodness!!!!! I’m left speechless. !!

  3. An extreme leftie, Shirlee. Notice the inevitable keffiyeh. I believe there's a video around in which she defends the burqa, and if she does, how does that square with lefty feminism?!
    Sometimes these anti-Zionists let slip their antisemitism...

  4. A vote for the (Australian) Greens is a vote for the Brown Shirts.

    As to the burqa: everone of these hate-spewing hyanas who speak on this nauseating video should be obliged to wear the full one, metaphorically and physically, and a muzzle!

  5. There is a deafening silence from the feminist movement, when it comes to the issue of the burqa.

  6. Not quite, Shirlee - some of them defend it as liberating!!!


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