Sunday, 3 April 2011

"Greens, Greens, Your Paint's Peeling Off": The Antisemitism of Boycott Derangement Syndromers Exposed (video)

A bonzer song and a beaut video, inspired by the sheer hypocrisy and perceived racism of the Green Party in New South Wales voting to boycott the one democracy in the Middle East, and ignoring human rights abuses where they really occur.  Although this targets the NSW Greens, it is a stinging rebuke to all BDSers everywhere.  They should bloody (that's the "great Australian adjective," for anyone who doesn't know) well be ashamed of themselves.

See also: for an instance of NSW Green antisemitism this week, and (hat tip: reader Shirlee)


  1. Hey Daphne............I know the person who made this video !!!

  2. I already sent him the link !!

  3. You're always a step ahead, Shirlee!

  4. I think you'll find 'bloody' is a great British adjective. 'Mate' is ours too. No offence.


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