Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Make 30th March a BIG Day: Buy Israeli Goods!

All around the western world certain folks are salivating - and it's not at the prospect of eating some juicy Jaffa oranges, Sharon fruit, or any other temptations for the palate that Israel has to offer.  Alas, no.  They're salivating in anticipation of their big Boycott-of-Israeli-Goods Day on 30th March.

Remember the old lady about whom I posted on Sunday, the one who demanded of me and other shoppers that we give the potatoes and peppers from Israel a wide berth?  Well, she was in the advance guard of this nefarious initiative, and I'm certain she'll be at her post tomorrow, even more shrill and sprightly than before.

Yes indeed!

Don't let her and those like her have their way.  Those who say and do things like this:

Thwart 'em.  For the day has in retaliation been designated Buy Israeli Goods Day, and it's our chance to fight back on Israel's behalf!

See and


  1. Since I always - from the early days of my Bavarian Catholic education - had a problem with "tending the other cheek" and since I am rather in favour of the suggestion: "if you cannot beat them, join them", I would suggest we boycott all Irish products (among others!) Begorra!

    Quite a while ago, I promised myself to do something each day against anti-Semitism, be it as small as buying a salad bowl made in Israel. I have kept to that and I can tell you they produce good quality in Israel!

    Here in France apparently this anti-semitic boycott is not in force yet, (at least my friends dont seem to know about it), and I have a little supermarket that proudly labels some produce as "from Israel".

    But tomorrow I will not only buy just about everything identified as coming from Israel, I will make a point of ASKING for ISRAELI goods!

  2. Watched the video Daphne. And I can truly say there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that these dreadful people are straight down the line antisemites. Shame on them and Ireland.

  3. I notice the red peppers in that supermarket I mentioned on Subday have all sold out (i bought alot, but not all!).


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