Thursday, 17 March 2011

The Kindness of Strangers

Here's 19-year-old Corporal Haim Levin,  an IDF paramedic, holding a newborn baby girl, Jude.  She's come into the world at the very locality where relatives of the Fogel Family are mourning the murder victims. 

With news of the Fogels' massacre, fireworks and other signs of celebration were apparent from Palestinian villages nearby.

The birth of Jude has brought joy in the midst of grief, life amid death.

Without the help of the medical team of which Corporal Levin is part, Jude would have died, for the umbilical cord was strangling her.  Her mother was rushed to the locality in a van, and Corporal Levin was the first of the team to reach the distressed pair.

He recalls:
"I moved closer and saw the baby's head and upper body.  The umbilical cord was around the baby's neck; the baby was grey and didn't move.
I first removed the cord from the neck and at the same time asked paramedics to prepare the baby resuscitation kit. I pinched her to see if she's responding, and she started to cry."
Jude is a Palestinian baby, and her mother had been taken to the settlement because of its medical facilities, which has much experience in treating Palestinians. 

Jubilant at her birth, Palestinians from the nearby village of Nabi Salah gathered around the medical team.

Said Corporal Levin:
"They thanked us and told us they named the girl Jude.  I volunteered for Magen David Adom since age 15 and it's the first time I witnessed childbirth. It was an amazing feeling, to hold the girl that was just born in my arms, and to know that in this complex place we did something good."

Noted ambulance driver Orli Shlomo:
"It was touching, but I couldn't help but think that a few meters from there, people were sitting Shiva for another baby, who was murdered.  I was touched to see the face of the new baby, but I also thought about the face of the murdered baby."

Read more:,7340,L-4043536,00.html


  1. These kind people are, of course, "settlers", Shirl - among the most demonised of the demonised.

  2. Dreadful, cruel, vicious people,. Yes I know !!!

    I look at the face of that beautiful baby and am close to tears

    How can anyone possibly slaughter a baby like that ?

    I feel ill and heartsick


    Every blade of grass has an angel that bends over it and whispers, 'Grow! Grow!'..."
    - Talmud

    Do that ^^^ you brave people, and that will be the sweetest victory over evil.

  4. Incidentally, I have read that baby Hadas was actually decapitated by those monsters. This has certainly been kept hidden by the mainstream media.
    The editor of Ha'aretz had made some despicable comments, reportedly:



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